張石麟 教授

Professor Shih-Lin Chang

  1. 學歷
  2. 經歷
  3. 相關著作


  1. 國立交通大學電子物理系學士(民國53-57年)
  2. 美國克廉姆森(Clemson)大學物理碩士(民國58-60年)
  3. 美國紐約布魯克林理工學院(Polytechnic Insitiute of Brooklyn,New York)物理博士(民國60-64年)


一、 巴西聖保羅州立甘比納斯大學(Univ. Estadual de Campinas)
	助教授 (專任)				民國64.7 - 68.7
	副教授 (專任)				民國68.8 - 73.1
	教  授 (專任)				民國73.1 - 74.12
二、 德國麻克斯普郎克固態研究所客座		民國 70.3 - 71.10
三、 國立清華大學物理系
 	國科會客座研究教授			民國73.12 - 74.6
四、 國立清華大學物理系
 	教  授 (專任)				民國75.1 - 至今
 	系主任兼所長				民國76.8 - 79.7
 	研究發展委員會主任委員			民國87.2 - 至今
五、 國科會自然處
 	物理審議人(兼)				民國75.8 - 76.7
 	物理研究推動中心主任(兼)		民國76.8 - 79.7
 	自然處處長 (借調)			民國82.8 - 84.7
六、 中央研究院
 	「結構生物學」諮議委員(兼)		民國80.7 - 83.8
 	聘任資格審查委員會委員(兼)		民國81.7 - 83.8
七、 行政院同步輻射研究中心籌建處
 	研究員兼用戶組副組長(兼)		民國75.4 - 79.8
 	研究員兼用戶組組長(兼)			民國80.7 - 84.6
 	副主任 (借調)				民國84.8 - 85.7
八、 教育部顧問室顧問(兼)			民國81.7 - 82.12
九、 民間團體
 	理事長					民國81.1 - 81.12
 	物理學刊編輯				民國78.1 - 至今
十、 美國艾克桑研究中心(紐澤西州)訪問學者	民國79.9 - 80.6
十一、 其他
	委員會委員				民國80.1 - 84.1
	國立清華大學校長甄選委員會委員		民國82
	委員會委員				民國86 - 89


  S.L.Chang , "Multiple Diffraction of X-rays in
Crystals" series in Solid-Science, 
  Soringer-Verlag,Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-Tokyo(1984)
300 pages 
  russian translation,MIR Publishers Moscow(1988)
  S.lChang , "Solution to the X-ray Phase Problem
Using Multiple Diffraction-A 
  Review" , Gordon & Breach Science Publisher ,
Crystallograohic Review .1(2), 85-190(1987) 
3.Refereed Papers: 
  1. S.L.Chang and B.Post , "High Order Multiple
Diffraction in GaAs",Acta 
  2. B.Post , S.L.Chang , T.C.Huang ,
:"Simultaneous Four Beam Borrmann 
     Diffraction",Acta Crystallogr.A33, 90-98(1977)
  3. S.L.Chang and S. Caticha-Ellis, " An Ambiguity
in Infexing Renninger 
     Diagrams and the Distinction Between Some Opposite
Direction in Cubic 
     Crystalls", Acta Crystallogr ,
  4. S.L Chang ,"On the Solution'Dispersion
Surfaces of X-ray Diffration", Phys. 
     Status Solidi(a)47,717-722(1978) 
  5. C. Campos , S.L. Chang , S.Caticha-Ellis,
"Largura de Linhas de Difracao 
     Multipla dos Raios-X" ("Linewidth of
Multiple Diffraction of X-rays"), 
     Cristalografia Iberoamericana Vol. 1,2 (1978)
  6. S.L.Chang, "Comparison between Bragg-Bragg and
Bragg-Laue Type 
     Damical Multiple Diffraction of X-rays in
Germanium", Acta Crystallogr. A34, S4, 238 (1978) 
  7. R.P.Postigo, S.L.Chang, S.Caticha Ellis,
"Precise Messurement of Lattice 
     Parameters by Multiple Diffraction of X-rays",
Acta Crystallogr. A34, S4, 34 (1978) 
  8. S.L.Chang, N.B.Patel, Y.Nannichi, F.C.Prince,
"Determination of Lattice 
     Mismatch in Ga Al As LPE Layer on GaAs Substrate by
Using a Divergent X- ray Source",
     J. Appl. Phys. 50(4), 2975-2976 (1979)
  9. S.L.Chang, "The Number of Permitted Modes of
Propagation in N-Beam 
     Dynamical Diffraction of X-rays", Acta
Crystallogr. A35, 543-547 (1979) 
 10. S.L.Chang, "Determination of the
Three-Dimensional Lattice Mismatch in 
     Quaternary III-V Liquid Phase Epitaxial Layers
Using Simultaneous Bragg 
     Diffraction of X-rays", Appl. Phys. Lett.
37(9), 819-821 (1980) 
 11. F.C.Prince, N.B.Patel, S.L.Chang, D.J.Bull, "3
Layer 1.3 um In Ga As P Lasers 
     with Quaternary Confining Layers", IEEE J.
Quantum Electron. QE-17, 597- 602 (1981) 
 12. S.L.Chang, "Simultaneous Bragg Diffraction of
X-ray on Liquid Phase 
     Epitaxial Thin Films", Acta Crystallogr. A37,
876-889 (1981) 
 13. S.L.Chang, "Excitations and Phases of 2-Beam
Dynamical Bragg Reflection of 
     X-rays for Infinitely Thick Crystals", Phys.
Status Solidi (a)65, 553-562 (1981) 
 14. A.D.Costa Lamas, S.L.Chang, S.Caticha-Ellis,
"On the Use of Powder 
     Fiffractometry in the Study of Phase Transition:
Case of NaNO2", Phys. Status 
     Solidi, (a)68, 173-178 (1981) 
 15. C.Compos, S.L.Chang, "Observation of
Multi-beam Borrmann Effects on the 
     Direct Beam from Silicon for Moka Using Lang
Camera", Acta Crystallogr. A37, C-267 (1981) 
 16. S.L.Chang, "Direct Experimental Method for the
Determination of X-ray 
     Reflection Phases", Appl. Phys. A26, 221-226
 17. S.L.Chang, "Dynamical X-ray Reflection at
Terraces in Epitaxial Layers", 
     Appl. Phys. Lett. 39(10), 816-817 (1981)
 18. S.L.Chang, "Treatment for the Intensity
Problem of N-beam Kinematical 
     Reflections in a Dynamical Formalism", Acta
Crystallogr. A38, 41-48 (1982) 
 19. S.L.Chang, "Direct Determination of X-ray
Reflection Phases", Phys. Rev. Lett 
     48, 163-166 (1982) 
 20. S.L.Chang, C.Campos, "X-ray Interference by
Division of Wavefront-A New 
     X-ray Interferometer", Appl. Phys. Lett.
40(7), 558-559 (1982) 
 21. D.S.Jiang, S.L.Chang, "Strain Analysis and
Optical Characterization of LPE 
     InGaAsP/InP Laser-confining Layers", Appl.
Phys. A27, 213-218 (1982) 
 22. S.L.Chang, "A Multi-beam X-ray Topographic
Method for A Double-crystal 
     Arrangement", J. Appl. Phys. 53(4), 2988-2990
 23. S.L.Chang, "Mode Selection and Intensity
Enhancement of X-rays in Crystals", 
     Appl. Phys. Lett. 40(9), 793-795 (1982)
 24. S.L.Chang, F.S.Han, "A Practical Application
of Experimentally Determined 
     X-ray Phases Applied to the Direct Method",
Acta Crystallogr. A38, 414-417 (1982) 
 25. S.L.Chang, "Theoretical Consideration of
Experimental Methods for X-ray 
     Phase Determination Using Multiple
Diffraction", Acta Crystallogr. A38, 516- 521 (1982) 
 26. S.L.Chang, "A Novel Method for Indexing
Multiple Diffraction Peaks", J. 
     Appl. crystallogr. 15, 570-571 (1982) 
 27. S.L.Chang, "Coherent Interaction of Multiple
Diffracted X-rays in Crystals", 
     Z-Naturforschung 37a,501-504 (1982) 
 28. S.L.Chang, H.J.Queisser, H.Baumgart, W.Hagen,
W.Hartmann, "High- 
     Resolution Real-time X-ray Topography on
Dislocation Generation in Silicon", 
     Philos. Mag. A46, 1009-1013 (1982) 
 29. H.J.Queisser, S.L.Chang, W.Hartmann, G.Markewitz,
"Instrumentation for 
     Real-time X-rayTopography", Nucl. Instrum.
& Methods 208, 691-695 (1982) 
 30. S.L.Chang, "Determination of A Centrosymmetric
Crystal Structure Using 
     Experimentally Determined Phases with Direct
Method", Acta Crystallogr. A39, 98-101 (1983) 
 31. S.L.Chang, "Phasenproblem gelost?",
Physikalische Blatter 39, 46-48 (1983). 
     (The The journal of the German Physical Society)
 32. S.L.Chang, "X-ray Reflection Phases and
Crystal Structure", 'Physics in 
     Action', Phys. Bull. 34, 58-59 (1983). (The journal
of the Institute of Physics of 
     the Great Britain) 
 33. S.L.Chang, J.A.P. Valladares, "Solution to the
X-ray Phase Problem for 
     Acentric Crystals", Acta Crystallogr. A40,
C-346 (1983) 
 34. S.L.Chang, L.P.Cardoso, S.Moehlecke, "Direct
Observation of Anisotropic 
     Surface Structure of Pd/Nb Thin Films Using X-ray
Specular Reflection 
     Techniqui", Acta Crystallogr. A40, C-190
 35. C.Campos, S.L.Chang, "Borrmann Prism - The
Borrmann Fan for N-beam X- 
     ray Transmission", Acta Crystallogr. A40,
C-347 (1984) 
 36. S.L.Chang, J.A.P. Valladares, "Direct
Experimental Determination of X-ray 
     Reflection Phases for Non-centrosymmetric
Crystals", Appl. Phys. 37, 57-64 (1985) 
 37. S.L.Chang, L.P.Cardoso, S.Moehlecke,
"Investigations on Anisotropic Surface 
     Roughness of Thin Films Using x-ray Specular
Reflection Topography", 
     J. Cryst. Growth 73, 43-47 (1985) 
 38. S.L.Chang, "X-ray Multiple Diffraction and The
Invariant Phases of Structure 
     Factors", Chinese Journal of Physics 23,
181-192 (1985) 
 39. S.L.Chang, "Anomalous Scattering Effects on
the Invariant Phases in Near- 
     absorption-edge Multiple Diffraction of
X-rays", Phys. Rev. B33, 5848-5850 (1986) 
 40. C.Campos, S.L.Chang, "Experimental Observation
of the Borrmann Pyramid - 
     The Borrmann Fan for A Four-beam Transmission of
X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A42, 348-352 (1986) 
 41. S.W.Luh, M.T.Tang, S.L.Chang, "Derivation of
the Nonnegative Karle- 
     Hauptman Determinant from the Dynamical Theory of
X-ray Diffraction", 
     Chinese J. Phys. 25(1), 251-259 (1987)
 42. S.L.Chang, "Solution to the X-ray Phase
Problem Using Multiple Diffraction - 
     A Review", Crystallogr. Rev. 1(2), 85-190
 43. S.L.Chang, H.H.Horng, S.W.Luh, M.T.Tang,
"Phase Determination of 
     Structure-Factor Triplets and Quartets Using
High-order Multiple Diffraction 
     of X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A43, C-283
 44. S.L.Chang, J.H.Horng, S.W.Luh, M.T.Tang, S.S.Pan,
M.Sasaki, "Phase 
     Determination Using High-order Multiple Diffraction
of X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A44, 63-70 (1988) 
 45. S.L.Chang, "A Proposed Multi-beam X-ray
Monochromator for Synchrotron 
     Radiation: Theoretical Considerations", J.
Physique C9, 75-78 (1988) 
 46. S.W.Luh, S.L.Chang, "A Quantum Approach to
X-ray Multiple Diffraction", 
     Acta Crystallogr. A44, 662-667 (1988) 
 47. S.L.Chang, "X-ray Phase Problem and Its
Solution Using Multi-beam 
     Interference". Proceedings of the Third
Asia-Pacific Conference, Vol. I, 613- 624 (1988) 
 48. S.L.Chang, M.T.Tang, "Quantitative
Determination of Phases of X-rays from 
     Three-beam Diffraction I. Theoretical
Considerations", Acta Crystallogr. A44, 1065-1072 (1988) 
 49. M.T.Tang, S.L.Chang, "Quantitative
Determination of Phases of X-rays from 
     Three-beam Diffraction II. Experiments for Perfect
Crystals", Acta Crystallogr. 
     A44, 1073-1078 (1988) 
 50. H.H.Hung, S.L.Chang, "Theoretical
Considerations on Two-beam and Multi- 
     beam Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction:
Nonabsorbing cases", Acta 
     Crystallogr. A45, 823-833 (1989) 
 51. S.C.Chien, M.T.Tang, S.L.Chang, "Determination
of Enantiomorph from 
     Intensity Measurements of Three-beam Bragg-Surface
Diffraction of X-rays", 
     Acta Crystallogr. A45, 703-708 (1989) 
 52. S.L.Chang, M.T.Huang, M.T.Tang, C.H.Lee,
"Quantitative Determination of 
     Phases of X-ray Reflection from Three-beam
Diffraction III, Experiment for 
     Mosaic Crystals", Acta Crystallogr. A45,
870-878 (1989) 
 53. C.H.Wang, S.L.Chang, "Dynamical X-ray
Diffraction from Quasicrystals", 
     Chinese J. Phys. 27(6), 481-490 (1989)
 54. M.T.Tang, S.L.Chang, "Kramers-Kronig Relations
in Three-beam X-ray 
     Diffraction: Application to Phase
Determination", Phys. Lett. A. 143/08, 405- 408 (1990) 
 55. T.P.Tseng, S.L.Chang, "Phase Effects on
Three-Beam Grazing Incident X-ray 
     Diffraction", Acta Crystallogr. A46, 567-576
 56. I.R.Liaw, K.S.Chou, S.L.Chang, "X-ray
Double-Crystal Diffraction Studies of 
     CdTe-GaAs Heteroepitaxial Films, J. Cryst. Growth,
100, 508-514 (1990) 
 57. S.L.Chang, M.T.Huang, M.T.Tang, "Quantitative
Phase Determination & 
     Kramers-Kronig Relations in Three-beam X-ray
Diffraction", Acta Crystallogr. A46, C416 (1990) 
 58. S.W.Luh, S.L.Chang, "Polarization Effects on
X-ray Multiple Diffraction: 
     Intensity Variation & Phase
Determination", Acta Crystallogr. A46, C416 (1990) 
 59. H.H.Hung, S.L.Chang, K.S.Liang, "A New
Interpretation of X-ray Diffraction 
     from the Exact Solution of Grazing Incident X-ray
Diffraction (GIXD)". Acta 
     Cryatallogr. A46, C376 (1990) 
 60. K.C.Lee, S.L.Chang, "Effects of Crystal
Surface Inclination on X-ray Multiple 
     Diffraction: Intensity Variation and Phase
Determination". Acta Crystallogr. 
     A47, 347-350 (1991) 
 61. C.H.Chen, S.L.Chang, "Theoretical
Considerations on the Design of Three- 
     beam X-ray Monochromators for Synchrotron
Radiation" Nucl. Instrum. 
     Methods, A306, 584-591 (1991) 
 62. W.T.Wang, S.L.Chang, "Study of X-ray
Diffraction from Superlattices" 
     Proceedings of Fourth Asia-Pacific Physics
Conference, Vol. I, 596-599 (1991) 
 63. S.W.Luh, S.L.Chang "Polarization Effects on
Multiple Diffraction of X-rays", 
     Acta Crystallogr. A47, 502-510 (1991) 
 64. S.L.Chang, H.E.King, M.T.Huang, Y.Gao, "Direct
Phase Determination of 
     Large Macro-molecular Crystals Using Three-Beam
X-ray Interference", Phys. 
     REv. Lett. 67, 3113-3116 (1991) 
     65. M.T.Huang, S.L.Chang, "Quantitative Phase
Determination from Three-Beam 
     Diffraction with a Corrected Scaling Scheme",
Acta Crystallogr. A48, 541-544 (1992) 
 66. S.L.Chang, "Bragg-Surface Three-Beam Dynamical
X-ray Diffeaction", Acta 
     Crystallogr. A48, 650-660 (1992) 
 67. H.H.Tseng, S.L.Chang, "Dynamical Calculation
in a Two-Beam 
     Approximation for Three-Beam X-ray
Diffraction", Chinese J. Phys. 30, 389- 404 (1992) 
 68. S.L.Chang, "X-ray Phase Problem and multi-Beam
Interference", Int. J. Mod. 
     Phys. B6, 2987-3020 (1992) 
 69. K.S.Liang, H.H.Hung, S.L.Chang, Z.Fu, S.C.Moss,
K.Oshima, "Surface- 
     Induced Order Observed On a Cu3Au (001)
Surface". In Surface X-ray and 
     Neutron Scattering, ed. H. Zabel and I.K. Robinson,
Springer-Verlag, 65-67 (1992) 
 70. S.L.Chang, Y.S.Tsai, M.T.Huang, "Enhanced
Coherent Interaction in Four- 
     beam X-ray Interference in Crystals: A Soluton to
the X-ray Phase Problem 
     Using Weak Four-beam Diffeaction", Phys. Lett.
A177, 61-66 (1993) 
 71. H.H.Hung, S.L.Chang, "Unified Formulation of
X-ray Diffraction and 
     Refraction", Europhys:Lett. 23(6), 415-420
 72. M.T.Huang, C.M.Wang, S.L.Chang, "Phase
Determination of Macromolecular 
     Crystals from Multiple X-ray Diffraction Using a
Conventional Laboratory 
     Source" Acta Cryst. A49, C50 (1993)
 73. H.H.Hung, S.L.Chang, K.S.Liang, "Dynamical
Effect of Crystal Truncation 
     Rod and Its Application to X-ray Study of Cu3Au
(001) Surface" Acta Cryst. 
     A49, C311 (1993) 
 74. M.T.Huang, C.M.Wang, & S.L.Chang, "Direct
Phase Determination for 
     Macromolecular Crystals Using the
Multiple-Diffraction Technique and an In- 
     house X-ray Source" Acta Cryst. A50, 342-344
 75. T.S.Gau, S.L.Chang, H.H.Hung, C.H.Lee, T.W.Huang,
H.B.Lu, S.J.Yang & 
     S.E.Hsu "Direct Observation of the Interface
Structure of Thin YBCO Films 
     (<500A) Deposited on SrTiO3 (001) Utilizing
Grazing Incidence X-ray  
     Diffraction" Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1720-1722
 76. Y.S.Tsai, M.T.Huang, & S.L.Chang, "Phase
Determination from Four-beam 
     X-ray Diffraction Involving Weak Primary Reflection
for Noncentrosymmetric 
     Crystals: Theoretical Consideration and
Experiments" Chin. J. Phys. 32, 641- 665 (1995) 
 77. T.S.Gau & S.L.Chang "Solving the Intensity
Problem of Surface X-ray 
     Diffeaction Using Dynamical Theory" Phys.
Lett. A. 196, 223-228 (1994)  
 78. C.P.Kau, T.S.Gau & S.L.Chang "X-ray
Diffeaction Studies of Miscut Crystal 
     Surfaces and Overlayers: A Dynamical Approach"
Material Chem. Phys. 41, 128-133 (1995) 
 79. T.S.Gau & S.L.Chang "Dynamical Approach
for X-ray Diffraction from 
     Surfaces and Interfaces: Interpretation of Crystal
Truncation Rod Using 
     Dynamical Theory" Acta Cryst. A51, 920-931
 80. L.Y.Jiang, M.T.Huang, S.L.Chang, "Working
Conditions on Designing An X- 
     ray Phase Plate Using Three-beam Dynamical
Diffeaction", Nucl, Instrum. Methods
     (Accepted) A 372 , 543-550 (1996) 
 81. T.S.Gau, H.C.Chien, S.L.Chang "X-ray
Diffraction from Surfaces and 
     Interfaces - A Dynamical Approach" Surface
Investigation ,12, 405-413 (1997) ;
     Proc. Russian Academy of Sciences , 3, 173_191
 82. Y.R.Stetsko & S.L .Chang , "An Algorithm
for Solving Multiple-wave 
     Dynamical X-ray Diffraction Equations ", Acta
Cryst. A53 , 28-34 (1997) 
 83. T.S. Gau , H.C. Chien. S.L. Chang , M.L. Li , M.K.
Wu ,"Determination of Interface Structural 
     Morphology from Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction
     Data Using Dynamical Theory " , Surface ,
(Accepted) (1997)