
A lightning talk at the FRB 2021 conference

I gave a 3-min lightning talk at the FRB 2021 conference.

A talk at the East Asia SKA Workshop 2021

East Asia SKA Workshop 2021


The NTHU newsletter feastured my paper and award.

An invited talk at Yunnan University

I gave an online invited talk at Yunnan University.

NewsPicks featured my recent papers

My recent papers about fast radio bursts are summarized in Japanese.

Paper award

The Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan awarded me 'the best postdoc paper award 2020 in Taiwan'.

Press release: Mysterious radio signals in the Universe are not from aliens!

Astronomers have recently discovered that the sky flashes frequently in radio wavelengths. These ‘fast radio bursts’ are happening more than 1000 times every day. Nevertheless, their origin has been a mystery for more than a decade, partly because they disappear very quickly. No one knew about the origins of such signals. Could the signals be from aliens?

Press release: 神秘的外星電波信號不是外星人發送的!

近年來天文學家發現太空中頻繁地傳來電波脈衝訊號。每天天空中都會出現至少一千次「快速電波爆發(fast radio bursts)」 ,然而,這些訊號被發現至今超過十餘年卻還是一個未解之謎,因為這些訊號總是閃現片刻即消失無蹤。這些謎樣的快速電波爆發有可能是外星人發出的訊號嗎?

A talk at the NCU colloquium

‘Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications’, at NCU in Taiwan, 12 Mar. (2021)

A talk at the workshop: Fast Radio Bursts: A Mystery Being Solved?

‘Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications’, ‘YITP International Molecule-type Workshop Fast Radio Bursts: A Mystery Being Solved?’, Kyoto in Japan and online, 17 Feb. (2021)