學歷 |
- 英國牛津大學物理博士 (1995-1999)
- 國立清華大學物理碩士 (1990-1992)
- 國立成功大學物理學士 (1986-19900
現職與經歷 |
- 國立清華大學物理系副教授
- 國立清華大學物理系助理教授
- 美國耶魯大學物理系博士後研究員 (1999-2001)
- 瑞士Paul Scherrer Institut 實驗粒子物理組 兼任博士後研究員 (1999-2001)
研究領域 |
- 原子分子光學
- 應用物理(實驗)
研究興趣與成果 |
Updated on September 3, 2006
1.運用雷射冷卻的技術,發展低溫慢速的鉈原子束(slow atomic thallium beam)。此種新型的原子束將可運用於探測原子系統中基本物理對稱性的破壞,例如:時間反轉對稱性的破壞(Time-reversal violation),與宇稱對稱不守恆(Parity violation)。這些物理現象,原來只能在高能的大型加速器中實現。透過雷射光譜與光學的精密量測,可以觀察到隱而不顯的微弱物理效應。
2.將兩種不同的原子同時以磁光陷阱(MOT)捕捉並冷卻至及低溫,形成一個真空中極為理想化的環境。在此環境中,我們研究這兩種原子 (銣、鉀)的碰撞行為與交互作用。經由這些研究,將可以導致超冷極性分子(dipolar molecule)的形成。而超冷極性分子所具有的諸多特性,正是當前原子與分子物理學家所關注的。它將會是繼超冷原子的實現後,下一個最重要的、有待實 現的物理實體。
3.由於在簡單的原子系統中,對其原子結構的精密計算包含了像是:量子電動力學(QED)、核子結構(nuclear structure)等重要的物理知識與理論。簡單原子的精密光譜也就正是對這些理論加以檢驗。我們目前與施宙聰教授合作進行三電子原子 – 鋰(Li)的光譜量測可到達10-11的精確度。未來將進行像是氦(He)與鋰離子(Li+)等雙電子原子的研究。
代表著作 |
- [2006].Hsiang-Chen Chuia, Ming-Sheng Ko, Yi-Wei Liu, Tyson Lin, Jow-Tsong Shy, Sen-Yen Shaw, Rostislav, V. Roussev, Martin M. Fejer “Frequency stabilization of a frequency-doubled 197.2 THz distributed feedback diode laser on rubidium 5S1/2-7S1/2 two-photon transitions” Optics and Lasers Engineering 44 : 478-485(2006).
- [2005]. Hsiang-Chen Chui, Ming-Sheng Ko, Yi-Wei Liu, Jow-Tsong Shy, Jin-Long Peng, Hyeyoung Ahn “Absolute frequency measurement of rubidium 5S-7S two-photon transitions using a femtosecond laser comb”, OPTICS LETTERS 30 (6) :842-844. (2005). (Selected by The Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science)
- [2005]. A.Antognini, F.D. Amaro, F. Biraben, J.M.R. Cardoso, C.A.N. Conde, A. Dax, S. Dhawan, L.M.P. Fernandes, T.W. Hansch, F.J. Hartmann, V.-W. Hughes, O. Huot, P. Indelicato, L. Julien, P.E. Knowles, F. Kottmann, Y.-W. Liu, L. Ludhova, C.M.B. Monteiro, F. Mulhauser, F. Nez, R. Pohl, P. Rabinowitz, J.M.F. dos Santos, L.A. Schaller, C. Schwob, D. Taqqu, and J.F.C.A. Veloso, “Powerful fast triggerable 6μm laser for the muonic hydrogen 2S Lamb shift experiment”, Optics Communications 253: 362-374 (2005).
- [2005]. Chui, HC; Shaw, SY; Ko, MS; Liu, YW; Shy, JT; Lin, T; Cheng WY; Roussev, RV; Fejer, MM., “Iodine-stabilization of a diode laser in the optical communication band”, OPTICS LETTERS 30 (6) : 646-648. (2005).
- [2005]. L. Ludhova, A.Antognini, F.D. Amaro, F. Biraben, J.M.R. Cardoso, C.A.N. Conde, A. Dax, S. Dhawan, L.M.P. Fernandes, T.W. Hansch, F.J. Hartmann, V.-W. Hughes, O. Huot, P. Indelicato, L. Julien, P.E. Knowles, F. Kottmann, Y.-W. Liu, C.M.B. Monteiro, F. Mulhauser, F. Nez, R. Pohl, P. Rabinowitz, J.M.F. dos Santos, L.A. Schaller, C. Schwob, D. Taqqu, and J.F.C.A. Veloso, “Planar LAAPDs: Temperature Dependence, Performance, and Application in Low Energy X-ray Spectroscopy” NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A 540: 169-179 (2005).
- [2004]. Chui, HC; Liu, YW; Shy, JT; Shaw, SY; Roussev, RV; Fejer, MM. “Frequency-stabilized 1520-nm diode laser with rubidiurn 5S(1/2)-> 7S(1/2) two-photon absorption”. APPLIED OPTICS 43 (34): 6348-6351.(2004)
- [2004]. Ko, MS; Liu, YW. “Observation of rubidium 5S(1/2)-> 7S(1/2) two-photon transitions with a diode laser”. OPTICS LETTERS 29 (15): 1799-1801. (2004).
- [2002]. Liu, YW; Baird, PEG. “Optical pumping in thallium: spectroscopy, coherence and linewidths”. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 35 (20): 4241-4256.(2002).
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A. Refereed Papers:
- Liu YW, Baird PEG, “Two-photon spectroscopy in potassium”, Measurement, Science, and Technology Vol. 12, P.740 (2001).
- Anagnostopoulos DF, Borchert G, Egger JP, Gotta D, Hennebach M, Indelicato P, Liu YW, Manil B, Nelms N, and Simons LM, “Mass of the charged pion”, Acta Physica Polonica B Vol. 31, P. 2219 (2000).
- Liu YW, Baird PEG, “Measurement of the Caesium 6S1/2 – 8P1/2 transition frequency”, Applied Physics B, Vol. 71, P. 567 (2000).
- Pohl R, Biraben F, Conde CAN, Donche-Gay C, Hansch TW, Hartmann FJ, Hauser P, Hughes VW, Huot O, Indelicato P, Knowles P, Kottmann F, Liu YW, Mulhauser F, Nez F, Petitjean C, Rabinowitz P, dos Santos JMF, Schaller LA, Schneuwly H, Schott W, Simons LM, Taqqu D, Trehin F, and Veloso JFCA, “Experiment to Measure the Lamb Shift in Muonic Hydrogen”, Hyperfine Interactions, Vol. 127, P. 161(2000).
- Meyer V, Bagayev SN, Baird PEG, Bakule P, Boshier MG, Breitruck A, Cornish SL, Dychkov S, Eaton GH, Grossmann A, Hubl D, Hughes VW, Jungmann K, Lane IC, Liu YW, Lucas D, Matyugin Y, Merkel J, zu Putlitz G, Reinhard I, Sandars PGH, Santra R, Schmidt P, Scott CA, Toner WT, Towrie M, Trager K, Willmann L, and Yakhontov V, “Pulsed laser spectroscopy in muonium and deuterium”, Hyperfine Interactions, Vol. 127, P. 189(2000).
- Meyer V, Bagayev SN, Baird PEG, Bakule P, Boshier MG, Breitruck A, Cornish SL, Dychkov S, Eaton GH, Grossmann A, Hubl D, Hughes VW, Jungmann K, Lane IC, Liu YW, Lucas D, Matyugin Y, Merkel J, Putlitz GZ, Reinhard I, Sandars PGH, Santra R, Schmidt PV, Scott CA, Toner WT, Towrie M, Trager K, Willmann L, and Yakhontov V, “Measurement of the 1s-2s Energy Interval in Muonium”, Physical Review Letters Vol. 84, P. 1136, (2000).
- Cornish SL, Liu YW, Lane IC, Baird PEG, Barwood GP, Taylor P, and Rowley WRC, “Interferometric Measurements of 127I2 Reference Frequencies for 1S-2S Spectroscopy in Muonium, Hydrogen and Deuterium”, Journal of Optical Society of America B, Vol. 17, P. 6, (2000).
B. Conference Papers:
- R. Pohl, F. Biraben, C.A.N. Conde, C. Donche-Gay, T.W. H?nsch, F.J. Hartmann, P. Hauser, V.W. Hughes, O. Huot, P. Indelicato, P. Knowles, F. Kottm ann, Y.-W. Liu, V.E. Markushin, F. Mulhauser, F. Nez, C. Petitjean, P. Rabinowitz, J.M.F. dos Santos, L.A. Schaller, H. Schneuwly, W. Schott, D. Taqqu, and J.F.C.A. Veloso, “Towards a Measurement of the Lamb Shift in Muonic Hydrogen”, The Hydrogen Atom—Precision Physics of Simple Atomic system, P.454 (2000).
- D. F. Anagnostopoulos, M. Augsburger, G. Borchert, D. Chatellard, P. El-Khoury, J.-P. Egger, H. Gorke, D. Gotta, P. Hauser, M. Hennebach, P. Indelicato, K. Kirch, S. Lenz, Y.-W. Liu, B. Manil, N. Nelms, Th. Siems, and L. M. Simons, “Charged Pion Mass Determination and Energy – Calibration Standards Based on Pionic X-ray Transitions”, The Hydrogen Atom—Precision Physics of Simple Atomic system, P.500 (2000).
- D. F. Anagnostopoulos, S. Biri, G. Borchert, W. H. Breunlich, M. Cargnelli, J.-P. Egger, B. Gartner, D. Gotta, P. Hauser, M. Hennebach, P. Indelicato, T. Jensen, R. King, F. Kottmann, B. Lauss, Y. W. Liu, V. E. Markushin, J. Marton, N. Nelms, G. C. Oades, G. Rasche, P. A. Schmelzbach, L. M. Simons, and J. Zmeskal, “Pionic Hydrogen: Status and Outlook”, The Hydrogen Atom—Precision Physics of Simple Atomic system, P.508 (2000).
- Yi-Wei Liu, “Laser spectroscopy of exotic atom”, AISAMP4, P. 112 (2000).
- R. Pohl, F. Biraben, C.A.N. Conde, C. Donche-Gay, T.W. H?nsch, F.J. Hartmann, P. Hauser, V.W. Hughes, O. Huot, P. Indelicato, P. Knowles, F. Kottm ann, Y.-W. Liu, V.E. Markushin, F. Mulhauser, F. Nez, C. Petitjean, P. Rabinowitz, J.M.F. dos Santos, L.A. Schaller, H. Schneuwly, W. Schott, D. Taqqu, and J.F.C.A. Veloso, “Laser system for muonic hydrogen 2s-2p Lamb shift measurement”, ICAP2000 (2000).
- Y.-W Liu, P.E.G. Baird, and S.L. Cornish, “Coherent Population Tapping in Optical Pumped Atomic Thallium”, ICAP16, G17 (1998).
- Meyer V, Bagayev SN, Baird PEG, Bakule P, Boshier MG, Breitruck A, Cornish SL, Dychkov S, Eaton GH, Grossmann A, Hubl D, Hughes VW, Jungmann K, Lane IC, Liu YW, Lucas D, Matyugin Y, Merkel J, Putlitz GZ, Reinhard I, Sandars PGH, Santra R, Schmidt PV, Scott CA, Toner WT, Towrie M, Trager K, Willmann L, and Yakhontov V, “High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy of the Muonium 1S-2S Transition” , ICAP16, A22 (1998).
- P. Bakule, S. L. Cornish, Yi-Wei Liu, S. N. Bagayev, P. E. G. Baird, M. G. Boshier, S. Dychkov, V. W. Hughes, K. Jungmann, I. C. Lane, D. Lucas, Y. Matyugin, V. Meyer, G. zu Putlitz, I. Reinhard, P. G. H. Sandars, R. Santra, W. T. Toner, M. Towrie, and V. Yakhontov. “High Power Solid State Laser System for Precision Spectroscopy in the UV”, ICAP16, D48 (1998).