Shih-Lin Chang
Honorary Chair Professor
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Website |
Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, USA
Office: +886-3-574-2526
Lab: +886-3-574-2527
Fax: +886-3-572-3052
Email: slchang@phys.nthu.edu.tw;slchang@nsrrc.org.tw
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Honors and Awards |
- Outstanding Research Award in Physics, National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Sun Yet San Academic Award
- Academic Award in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- National Chair Professorship in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (life-long), Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Tung Yuan Award for Science & Technology
- B. E. Warren Diffraction Physics Award, American Crystallographic Association
- Ho Chin-Duei Outstanding Honorary Award
- Chair Professorship, Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship
- Fellow, Physical Society of R.O.C.
- Elected Member, Asian Pacific Academy of Materials Science
- Fellow, American Physical Society
- Academician, Academia Sinica,
- Fellow, The Academy of Sciences of the Developing World(TWAS)
- Distinguished Scientist, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
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Research Interests and achievement |
Updated on March 27, 2013
Diffraction physics,
X-ray crystallography (x-rays, synchrotron radiation,
instrumentation, dynamical theory): Development of new
methods and techniques for structure determination and
characterization of materials, multi-beam diffraction
for solving the X-ray phase problem, direct measurement
of resonance phase shift, multi-beam diffraction
anomalous fine structure for single crystals and thin
films, synchrotron related instrumentation and
Condensed matter
physics (quantum dots, thin films, interfaces,
multilayers, polymer/liquid crystals): Simultaneous
determination of 3-d lattice strain in III-V
semiconductor epitaxial layers, real-time observation of
motion of dislocation in semiconductor crystals,
development of algorithm for interpretation of crystal
truncation rod of surfaces and interfaces, structural
investigation of C60 based elastimers, silicon based
mesoporous nanotubes, and quantum dots, development of
new method of measuring dynamic phase in 1-d and 2-d
charge-density-wave materials for investigating
transport phenomena, determination of resonance phase
for x-ray scattering in thin films, development of x-ray
diffraction technique for interfaces
X-ray optics: Hard
X-ray Fabry-Perot type resonator, X-ray waveguide,
Publicationsns |
- S.-L. Chang, "Direct Determination of X-ray Reflection Phases", Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 163-166 (1982)
- S.-L. Chang, H.E. King, M.T. Huang, and Y. Gao, "Direct Phase Determination of Large Macro-molecular Crystals Using Three-Beam X-ray Interference", Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3113-3116 (1991)
- Y.P. Stetsko and S.-L. Chang, "An Algorithm for Solving Multiple-wave Dynamical X-ray Diffraction Equations ", Acta Cryst. A53 , 28-34 (1997)
- S.-L. Chang, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, M.T. Tang, and Y.P. Stetsko, ¡§Three-wave Resonance Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction: A Novel Method for Direct Phase Determination of Surface In-plane Reflections¡¨, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 301-304 (1998)
- Y.P. Stetsko, G.Y. Lin, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, and S.-L. Chang, "Anomalous Dispersion Behavior of Multiple-wave X-ray Diffraction at Absorption Edges: Determination of Phase Change at Resonance", Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2026-2029 (2001)
- S.-L. Chang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, M. Yabashi, and T. Ishikawa, ¡§X-ray Resonance in Crystal Cavities: Realization of Fabry-Perot Resonator for Hard X-rays¡¨, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 174801-1¡X174801-4 (2005)
- Y.-R. Lee, Yu. P. Stetsko, W.-H. Sun, S.-C. Weng, S.-Y. Cheng, G.-G. Lin, Y.-L. Soo, and and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Multiple-wave Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure¡§, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 185502-1¡X185502-4 (2006)
- S.-Y. Chen, H.-H. Wu, Y.-Y. Chang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, S.-L. Chang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, M. Yabashi, and T. Ishikawa, ¡§Coherent Trapping of X-ray Photons in Crystal Cavities in the Picosecond Regime¡¨, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 141105-1¡X141105-3 (2008).
- Y.-Y. Chang, S.-Y. Chen, H.-H. Wu, S.-C. Weng, C.-H. Chu, Y.-R. Lee, M.-T. Tang, Yu. Stetsko, B.-Y. Shew, M. Yabashi, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Diffraction-Enhanced Beam-Focusing for X-rays in Curved Multi-Plate Crystal Cavity¡¨, Opt.Express, 18, Iss 8, 7886-7892 (2010).
- Y.-W. Tsai, C.-H. Chu, M.-T. Tang, Yu. P. Stetsko, L.-J. Chou, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Measuring Lattice Parameter of Iron Silicides Using X-Ray Bragg-Surface Diffraction¡¨, J. Appl. Phys., 109, 013514 (2011).
- S.-C. Weng, Y,-R, Lee, C.-G. Chen, C.-H. Chu, Y.-L. Soo, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Direct Observation of Charge-Ordering in Magnetite Using Resonant Multi-Wave X-Ray Diffraction, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 146404 (2012)
- All
Publications (Expansible)
A. Refereed Papers:
- S.L.Chang, Multiple Diffraction of X-rays in Crystals, series in Solid-State Science, Springer-Verlag,Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-Tokyo (1984), 300 pages; Russian translation, MIR Publishers, Moscow(1988)
- S.-L.Chang, X-ray Multiple-wave Diffraction: Theory and Application, series in Solid-State Science, Vol. 143, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-Tokyo (2004), 431 pages
B. Monographs and Review Articles¡G
- S.L. Chang, "Solution to the X-ray Phase Problem Using Multiple Diffraction - A Review", Gordon & Breach Science Publisher, Crystallographic Review 1(2), 85-190 (1987)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Multiple Diffraction and the Invariant Phases of Structure-factors¡¨, Chinese J. Phys. 23, 181-192 (1985)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Phase Problem and Multi-beam Interference¡¨, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B6, 2987-3020 (1992)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Dynamical Theory of X-ray Diffraction ¡V A Review¡¨, Proc. of National Science Council: Sciences & Engineering 22, 431-438 (1998)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Determination of X-ray Reflection Phases Using N-beam Diffraction¡¨, in Crystallography Across the Sciences, IUCr; also in Acta. Crystallogr. A54, 886-894 (1998)
- S.L. Chang, C.H. Chao, Y.S. Huang, F.J. Liang, C.K. Chen, Y.C. Jean, H.S. Sheu, and H.S. Yuan, ¡§Solving the X-ray Phase Problem for Macromolecular Crystals by Multi-wave X-ray Interference¡¨, Proc. 3rd OCPA Physics Conference, World Scientific (1999)
- S.-L. Chang, "Thin-film Characterization by Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction and Multiple Beam Interference", J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 62, 1765-1775 (2001)
- S.-L. Chang, "X-ray Fluorescence Imaging", Encyclopedia of Imaging Science and Technology, John Wiley & Sons (2002)
C. Refereed Papers:
- S.L. Chang and B. Post , "High Order Multiple Diffraction in GaAs", Acta Crystallogr. A31, 832-835 (1975)
- B. Post, S.L. Chang, and T.C. Huang, "Simultaneous Four Beam Borrmann Diffraction", Acta Crystallogr. A33, 90-98 (1977)
- S.L. Chang and S. Caticha-Ellis, "An Ambiguity in Indexing Renninger Diagrams and the Distinction Between Some Opposite Direction in Cubic Crystals", Acta Crystallogr. A34, 825-826 (1978)
- S.L Chang, "On the Solution Dispersion Surfaces of X-ray Diffraction", Phys. Status Solidi (a)47, 717-722 (1978)
- C. Campos, S.L. Chang, and S. Caticha-Ellis, "Largura de Linhas de Difracao Multipla dos Raios-X" ("Linewidth of Multiple Diffraction of X-rays"), Cristalografia Iberoamericana Vol. 1,2 (1978)
- S.L. Chang, "Comparison between Bragg-Bragg and Bragg-Laue Type Dynamical Multiple Diffraction of X-rays in Germanium", Acta Crystallogr. A34, S4, 238 (1978)
- R.P. Postigo, S.L. Chang, and S. Caticha-Ellis, "Precise Measurement of Lattice Parameters by Multiple Diffraction of X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A34, S4, 34 (1978)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Direct Observation of Two-dimensional Lattice Mismatch Parallel to the Interfacial Boundary between LPE GaAlAs Layer and GaAs Substrate¡¨, Appl. Phys. Lett. 34(3), 239-240 (1979)
- S.L. Chang, N.B. Patel, Y. Nannichi, and F.C. Prince, "Determination of Lattice Mismatch in Ga Al As LPE Layer on GaAs Substrate by Using a Divergent X-ray Source", J. Appl. Phys. 50(4), 2975- 2976 (1979)
- S.L. Chang, "The Number of Permitted Modes of Propagation in N-Beam Dynamical Diffraction of X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A35, 543-547 (1979)
- S.L. Chang, "Determination of the Three-dimensional Lattice Mismatch in Quaternary III-V Liquid Phase Epitaxial Layers Using Simultaneous Bragg Diffraction of X-rays", Appl. Phys. Lett. 37(9), 819-821 (1980)
- F.C. Prince, N.B. Patel, S.L. Chang, and D.J. Bull, "3 Layer 1.3 um InGaAsP Lasers with Quaternary Confining Layers", IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-17, 597- 602 (1981)
- S.L. Chang, "Simultaneous Bragg Diffraction of X-ray on Liquid Phase Epitaxial Thin Films", Acta Crystallogr. A37, 876-889 (1981)
- S.L. Chang, "Excitations and Phases of 2-Beam Dynamical Bragg Reflection of X-rays for Infinitely Thick Crystals", Phys. Status Solidi (a)65, 553-562 (1981)
- A.D. Costa Lamas, S.L. Chang, and S. Caticha-Ellis, "On the Use of Powder Diffractometry in the Study of Phase Transition: Case of NaNO2", Phys. Status Solidi, (a)68, 173-178 (1981)
- C. Compos and S.L. Chang, "Observation of Multi-beam Borrmann Effects on the Direct Beam from Silicon for MOK£\ Using Lang Camera", Acta Crystallogr. A37, C-267 (1981)
- S.L. Chang, "Direct Experimental Method for the Determination of X-ray Reflection Phases", Appl. Phys. A26, 221-226 (1981)
- S.L. Chang, "Dynamical X-ray Reflection at Terraces in Epitaxial Layers", Appl. Phys. Lett. 39(10), 816-817 (1981)
- S.L. Chang, "Treatment for the Intensity Problem of N-beam Kinematical Reflections in a Dynamical Formalism", Acta Crystallogr. A38, 41-48 (1982)
- S.L. Chang, "Direct Determination of X-ray Reflection Phases", Phys. Rev. Lett 48, 163-166 (1982)
- S.L. Chang and C. Campos, "X-ray Interference by Division of Wavefront - A New X-ray Interferometer", Appl. Phys. Lett. 40(7), 558-559 (1982)
- D.S. Jiang and S.L. Chang, "Strain Analysis and Optical Characterization of LPE InGaAsP/InP Laser-confining Layers", Appl. Phys. A27, 213-218 (1982)
- S.L. Chang, "A Multi-beam X-ray Topographic Method for A Double-crystal Arrangement", J. Appl. Phys. 53(4), 2988-2990 (1982)
- S.L. Chang, "Mode Selection and Intensity Enhancement of X-rays in Crystals", Appl. Phys. Lett. 40(9), 793-795 (1982)
- S.L. Chang and F.S. Han, "A Practical Application of Experimentally Determined X-ray Phases Applied to the Direct Methods", Acta Crystallogr. A38, 414-417 (1982)
- S.L. Chang, "Theoretical Consideration of Experimental Methods for X-ray Phase Determination Using Multiple Diffraction", Acta Crystallogr. A38, 516- 521 (1982)
- F.S. Han and S.L. Chang, "A Novel Method for Indexing Multiple Diffraction Peaks", J. Appl. crystallogr. 15, 570-571 (1982)
- S.L. Chang, "Coherent Interaction of Multiply Diffracted X-rays in Crystals", Z-Naturforschung 37a, 501-504 (1982)
- S.L. Chang, H.J. Queisser, H. Baumgart, W. Hagen, and W. Hartmann, "High-Resolution Real-time X-ray Topography on Dislocation Generation in Silicon", Philos. Mag. A46, 1009-1013 (1982)
- H.J. Queisser, S.L. Chang, W. Hartmann, and G. Markewitz, "Instrumentation for Real-time X-ray Topography", Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 208, 691-695 (1982)
- F.S. Han and S.L. Chang, "Determination of A Centrosymmetric Crystal Structure Using Experimentally Determined Phases with Direct Methods", Acta Crystallogr. A39, 98-101 (1983)
- S.L. Chang, "Phasenproblem gelost?", Physikalische Blatter 39, 46-48 (1983). ( The journal of the German Physical Society)
- S.L. Chang, "X-ray Reflection Phases and Crystal Structure", 'Physics in Action', Phys. Bull. 34, 58-59 (1983). (The journal of the Institute of Physics of the Great Britain)
- S.L. Chang and J.A.P. Valladares, "Solution to the X-ray Phase Problem for Acentric Crystals", Acta Crystallogr. A40, C-346 (1983)
- S.L. Chang, L.P. Cardoso, and S. Moehlecke, "Direct Observation of Anisotropic Surface Structure of Pd/Nb Thin Films Using X-ray Specular Reflection Technique", Acta Crystallogr. A40, C-190 (1984)
- C. Campos and S.L. Chang, "Borrmann Prism ¡V The Borrmann Fan for N-beam X-ray Transmission", Acta Crystallogr. A40, C-347 (1984)
- S.L. Chang and J.A.P. Valladares, "Direct Experimental Determination of X-ray Reflection Phases for Non-centrosymmetric Crystals", Appl. Phys. 37, 57-64 (1985)
- S.L. Chang, L.P. Cardoso, and S. Moehlecke, "Investigations on Anisotropic Surface Roughness of Thin Films Using X-ray Specular Reflection Topography", J. Cryst. Growth 73, 43-47 (1985)
- S.L. Chang, "X-ray Multiple Diffraction and The Invariant Phases of Structure Factors", Chin. Journal of Physics 23, 181-192 (1985)
- S.L. Chang, "Anomalous Scattering Effects on the Invariant Phases in Near-absorption-edge Multiple Diffraction of X-rays", Phys. Rev. B33, 5848-5850 (1986)
- C. Campos and S.L. Chang, "Experimental Observation of the Borrmann Pyramid - The Borrmann Fan for A Four-beam Transmission of X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A42, 348-352 (1986)
- S.W. Luh, M.T. Tang, and S.L. Chang, "Derivation of the Nonnegative Karle-Hauptmann Determinant from the Dynamical Theory of X-ray Diffraction", Chin. J. Phys. 25(1), 251-259 (1987)
- S.L. Chang, "Solution to the X-ray Phase Problem Using Multiple Diffraction - A Review", Crystallogr. Rev. 1(2), 85-190 (1987)
- S.L. Chang, H.H. Horng, S.W. Luh, and M.T. Tang, "Phase Determination of Structure-Factor Triplets and Quartets Using High-order Multiple Diffraction of X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A43, C-283 (1987)
- S.L. Chang, J.H. Horng, S.W. Luh, M.T. Tang, S.S. Pan, and M. Sasaki, "Phase Determination Using High-order Multiple Diffraction of X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A44, 63-70 (1988)
- S.L. Chang, "A Proposed Multi-beam X-ray Monochromator for Synchrotron Radiation: Theoretical Considerations", J. Physique C9, 75-78 (1988)
- S.W. Luh and S.L. Chang, "A Quantum Approach to X-ray Multiple Diffraction", Acta Crystallogr. A44, 662-667 (1988)
- S.L. Chang, "X-ray Phase Problem and Its Solution Using Multi-beam Interference", Proceedings of the Third Asia-Pacific Conference, Vol. I, 613- 624 (1988)
- S.L. Chang and M.T. Tang, "Quantitative Determination of Phases of X-rays from Three-beam Diffraction I. Theoretical Considerations", Acta Crystallogr. A44, 1065-1072 (1988)
- M.T. Tang and S.L. Chang, "Quantitative Determination of Phases of X-rays from Three-beam Diffraction II. Experiments for Perfect Crystals", Acta Crystallogr. A44, 1073-1078 (1988)
- H.H. Hung and S.L. Chang, "Theoretical Considerations on Two-beam and Multi-beam Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction: Nonabsorbing Cases", Acta Crystallogr. A45, 823-833 (1989)
- S.C. Chien, M.T. Tang, and S.L. Chang, "Determination of Enantiomorph from Intensity Measurements of Three-beam Bragg-Surface Diffraction of X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A45, 703-708 (1989)
- S.L. Chang, M.T. Huang, M.T. Tang, and C.H. Lee, "Quantitative Determination of Phases of X-ray Reflection from Three-beam Diffraction III. Experiment for Mosaic Crystals", Acta Crystallogr. A45, 870-878 (1989)
- C.H. Wang and S.L. Chang, "Dynamical X-ray Diffraction from Quasicrystals", Chin. J. Phys. 27(6), 481-490 (1989)
- M.T. Tang and S.L. Chang, "Kramers-Kronig Relations in Three-beam X-ray Diffraction: Application to Phase Determination", Phys. Lett. A. 143/08, 405- 408 (1990)
- T.P. Tseng and S.L. Chang, "Phase Effects on Three-Beam Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction", Acta Crystallogr. A46, 567-576 (1990)
- I.R. Liaw, K.S. Chou, and S.L. Chang, "X-ray Double-Crystal Diffraction Studies of CdTe-GaAs Heteroepitaxial Films, J. Cryst. Growth, 100, 508-514 (1990)
- S.L. Chang, M.T. Huang, and M.T. Tang, "Quantitative Phase Determination and Kramers-Kronig Relations in Three-beam X-ray Diffraction", Acta Crystallogr. A46, C416 (1990)
- S.W. Luh and S.L. Chang, "Polarization Effects on X-ray Multiple Diffraction: Intensity Variation and Phase Determination", Acta Crystallogr. A46, C416 (1990)
- H.H. Hung, S.L. Chang, and K.S. Liang, "A New Interpretation of X-ray Diffraction from the Exact Solution of Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction (GIXD)", Acta Crystallogr. A46, C376 (1990)
- K.C. Lee and S.L. Chang, "Effects of Crystal Surface Inclination on X-ray Multiple Diffraction: Intensity Variation and Phase Determination", Acta Crystallogr. A47, 347-350 (1991)
- C.H. Chen and S.L. Chang, "Theoretical Considerations on the Design of Three-beam X-ray Monochromators for Synchrotron Radiation", Nucl. Instrum. Methods, A306, 584-591 (1991)
- W.T. Wang and S.L. Chang, "Study of X-ray Diffraction from Superlattices", Proc. of Fourth Asia-Pacific Physics Conference, Vol. I, 596-599 (1991)
- S.W. Luh and S.L. Chang "Polarization Effects on Multiple Diffraction of X-rays", Acta Crystallogr. A47, 502-510 (1991)
- S.L. Chang, H.E. King, M.T. Huang, and Y. Gao, "Direct Phase Determination of Large Macro-molecular Crystals Using Three-Beam X-ray Interference", Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3113-3116 (1991)
- M.T. Huang and S.L. Chang, "Quantitative Phase Determination from Three-Beam Diffraction with a Corrected Scaling Scheme", Acta Crystallogr. A48, 541-544 (1992)
- C.Y. Jen and S.L. Chang, "Bragg-Surface Three-Beam Dynamical X-ray Diffraction", Acta Crystallogr. A48, 650-660 (1992)
- H.H. Tseng and S.L. Chang, "Dynamical Calculation in a Two-Beam Approximation for Three-Beam X-ray Diffraction", Chin. J. Phys. 30, 389- 404 (1992)
- S.L. Chang, "X-ray Phase Problem and Multi-Beam Interference", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B6, 2987-3020 (1992)
- K.S. Liang, H.H. Hung, S.L. Chang, Z. Fu, S.C. Moss, and K. Oshima, "Surface-Induced Order Observed On a Cu3Au (001) Surface", in Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering, ed. H. Zabel and I.K. Robinson, Springer-Verlag, 65-67 (1992)
- S.L. Chang, Y.S. Tsai, and M.T. Huang, "Enhanced Coherent Interaction in Four-beam X-ray Interference in Crystals: A Solution to the X-ray Phase Problem Using Weak Four-beam Diffraction", Phys. Lett. A177, 61-66 (1993)
- H.H. Hung and S.L. Chang, "Unified Formulation of X-ray Diffraction and Refraction", Europhys. Lett. 23(6), 415-420 (1993)
- M.T. Huang, C.M. Wang, and S.L. Chang, "Phase Determination of Macromolecular Crystals from Multiple X-ray Diffraction Using a Conventional Laboratory Source", Acta Crystallogr. A49, C50 (1993)
- H.H. Hung, S.L. Chang, and K.S. Liang, "Dynamical Effect of Crystal Truncation Rod and Its Application to X-ray Study of Cu3Au (001) Surface", Acta Crystallogr. A49, C311 (1993)
- M.T. Huang, C.M. Wang, and S.L. Chang, "Direct Phase Determination for Macromolecular Crystals Using the Multiple-Diffraction Technique and an In-house X-ray Source", Acta Crystallogr. A50, 342-344 (1994)
- T.S. Gau, S.L. Chang, H.H. Hung, C.H. Lee, T.W. Huang, H.B. Lu, S.J. Yang and S.E. Hsu, "Direct Observation of the Interface Structure of Thin YBCO Films (<500 Å) Deposited on SrTiO3 (001) Utilizing Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction", Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1720-1722 (1994)
- T.S. Gau and S.L. Chang, "Solving the Intensity Problem of Surface X-ray Diffraction Using Dynamical Theory", Phys. Lett. A. 196, 223-228 (1994)
- Y.S. Tsai, M.T. Huang, and S.L. Chang, "Phase Determination from Four-beam X-ray Diffraction Involving Weak Primary Reflection for Noncentrosymmetric Crystals: Theoretical Consideration and Experiments", Chin. J. Phys. 32, 641- 665 (1995)
- C.P. Kau, T.S. Gau and S.L. Chang, "X-ray Diffraction Studies of Miscut Crystal Surfaces and Overlayers: A Dynamical Approach", Material Chem. Phys. 41, 128-133 (1995)
- T.S. Gau and S.L. Chang, "Dynamical Approach for X-ray Diffraction from Surfaces and Interfaces: Interpretation of Crystal Truncation Rod Using Dynamical Theory", Acta Crystallogr. A51, 920-931 (1995)
- L.Y. Jiang, M.T. Huang, and S.L. Chang, "Working Conditions on Designing An X-ray Phase Plate Using Three-beam Dynamical Diffraction", Nucl, Instrum. Methods A372 , 543-550 (1996)
- T.S. Gau and S.L. Chang, ¡§The X-ray Study of the YSZ/MgO (001) Interface: The Dynamical Approach¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A52, C-475 (1996)
- S.L. Chang and C.M. Wang, ¡§Phase Determination and Extension Using X-ray Multiple Diffraction and Maximum Entropy Method¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A52, C-52 (1996)
- T.S. Gau, H.C. Chien, and S.L. Chang "X-ray Diffraction from Surfaces and Interfaces - A Dynamical Approach", Surface Investigation 12, 405-413 (1997); Proc. Russian Academy of Sciences 3, 173-191 (1996)
- Y.P. Stetsko and S.L. Chang , "An Algorithm for Solving Multiple-wave Dynamical X-ray Diffraction Equations ", Acta Crystallogr. A53 , 28-34 (1997)
- T.S. Gau, H.C. Chien, S.L. Chang, M.L. Li, and M.K. Wu, "Determination of Interface Structural Morphology from Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction Data Using Dynamical Theory ", Surface Science 384, 254-259 (1997)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Reflection Phases and Dynamical Diffraction Effects¡¨, Chin. J. Phys. 35, 896-902 (1997)
- M.A. Hayashi, S.L. Morelhao, L.H. Avanci, L.P. Cardoso, J.M. Sasaki, L.C. Kretly, and S.L. Chang, ¡§Sensitivity of Bragg Surface Diffraction to Analyze Ion-implanted Semiconductors¡¨, Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 2614-2616 (1997)
- H.C. Chien, S.-L. Chang, R.F.C. Farrow, D. Weller, R.F. Mark, and T.C. Huang, ¡§Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction Analysis of MBE FePt Thin Films¡¨, Adv. X-ray Analysis 41, 20-27 (1997).
- H.C. Lin, H.C. Chien, Y.S. Huang, S.-L. Chang, and T.C. Huang, ¡§Peak Identification of Conventional X-ray Diffraction Patterns for MBE FePt Thin Films on MgO Single-crystal Substrates¡¨, Adv. X-ray Analysis 41, 46-53 (1997).
- S.-L. Chang, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, M.T. Tang, and Y.P. Stetsko, ¡§Three-wave Resonance Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction: A Novel Method for Direct Phase Determination of Surface In-plane Reflections¡¨, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 301-304 (1998).
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Dynamical Theory of X-ray Diffraction ¡V A Review¡¨, Proc. of National Science Council: Sciences and Engineering 22, 431-438 (1998).
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Dynamical Theory of X-ray Diffraction ¡V A Review¡¨, Proc. of National Science Council: Sciences and Engineering 22, 431-438 (1998).
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Determination of X-ray Reflection Phases Using N-beam Diffraction¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A54, 886-894 (1998).
- C. Campos, N.L. Sanjurjo, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Surface Waves at Large-angle Incidence under Multi-beam Excitation¡¨, Phys. Lett. A246, 441-445 (1998).
- C.L. Chang, G. Chern, C.L. Chen, H.H. Hsieh, C.L. Dong, W.F. Pong, C.H. Chao, H.C. Chien, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Electronic States and Structural Characterization in Single-crystals Fe-Ni-O Alloy Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy¡¨, Solid State Comm. 109, 599-604 (1999).
- Y.P. Stetsko and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Three-wave Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction from Thin Crystal Surface Layers: Determination of Triplet Phase Invariants¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A55, 457-465 (1999).
- H.C. Chien, T.S. Gau, S.-L. Chang, and Y.P. Stetsko, ¡§Dynamical Calculation of Crystal Truncation Rods for Surfaces and Interfaces Using a Cartesian-coordinate Transformation Technique¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A55, 677-682 (1999).
- Y.P. Stetsko and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Three-wave X-ray Diffraction: An Analysis Scheme of Sensitivity in Determining Triplet Phase Invariants¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A55, 683-694 (1999).
- S.-L. Chang, C.H. Chao, Y.S. Huang, F.J. Liang, C.K. Chen, Y.C. Jean, H.S. Sheu, and H.S. Yuan, ¡§Solving the X-ray Phase Problem for Macromolecular Crystals by Multi-wave X-ray Interference¡¨, Proc. 3rd OCPA Physics Conference,321-333, World Scientific (1999).
- Y.S. Huang, Y.N. Cheng, J.D. Li, W.L. Lu, H.C. Wang, C.H. Chao, S.-L. Chang, L.Y. Wang, and L.Y. Chiang, ¡§X-ray Diffraction Studies of the Recrystallization of C60-based Polymers¡¨, Fullerene Sci. & Tech. 7(4), 573-585 (1999).
- S.-L. Chang, C.H. Chao, Y.S. Huang, Y.C. Jean, H.S. Sheu, F.J. Liang, H.C. Chien, C.K. Chen, and H.S. Yuan, ¡§Quantitative Phase Determination for Macromolecular Crystals Using Stereoscopic Multi-beam Imaging¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A55, 933-938 (1999).
- S.-L. Chang, Y. P. Stetsko, Y. S. Huang, C. H. Chao, F. J. Liang, and C. K. Chen, ¡§Quasi-universality and Scaling Behavior of Three-wave X-ray Interference in Crystals: A Novel Way for the Quantitative Determination of X-ray Reflection Phases¡¨, Phys. Lett. A 264, 328-333 (1999).
- Y. P. Stetsko, H.J. Juretschke, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, C.K. Chen, and S.-L. Chang, "The Phenomenon of Polarization Suppression of X-ray Umweg Multiple Waves in Crystals", Acta Crystallogr. A56, 394-400 (2000).
- S.-L. Chang, C.H. Chao, Y.S. Huang, F.J. Liang, C.K. Chen, Y.C. Jean, H.S. Sheu, and H.S. Yuan, ¡§Solving the X-ray Phase Problem for Macromolecular Crystals by Multi-wave X-ray Interference¡¨, Recent Advances and Cross-Century Out Looks in Physics, 321 (2000).
- S.-L. Chang, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, Y.P. Stetsko, Y.R. Lee, C.Y. Hung, T.C. Lin, G.Y. Lin, and C.H. Chin, "Synchrotron Experiments of X-ray Multi-wave Interaction in 2-D and 3-D Crystals", Proc. 8th Asia Pacific Physics Conference APPC 2000, 232-237, World Scientific (2000).
- Y.P. Stetsko, G.Y. Lin, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, and S.-L. Chang, "Anomalous Dispersion Behavior of Multiple-wave X-ray Diffraction at Absorption Edges: Determination of Phase Change at Resonance", Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2026-2029 (2001).
- T.S. Gau, Y.C. Jean, K.Y. Liu, C.H. Chung, C.K. Chen, S.C. Lai, C.H. Shu, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, Y.R. Lee, C.T. Chen, and S.-L. Chang, "Soft X-ray Diffractometer for Synchrotron Radiation", Nucl. Instrum. Methods, A 466,569-575 (2001).
- S.-L. Chang, "X-ray Fluorescence Imaging", Encyclopedia of Imaging Science and Technology, John Wiley & Sons (2001).
- Y.P. Stetsko, H.J. Juretschke, Y.S. Huang, Y.R. Lee, T.C. Lin, and S.-L. Chang, "Polarization-resolved Output Analysis of X-ray Multiple-wave Interaction", Acta Crystallogr. A57, 359-367 (2001).
- S.-L. Chang, "Thin-film Characterization by Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction and Multiple Beam Interference", J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 62, 1765-1775 (2001).
- C. M. Wang, C. H. Chao, and S.-L. Chang, "Phase Determination and Extension Using X-Ray Multiple Diffraction and Maximum Entropy Method", Acta Crystallogr. A 57, 420-428 (2001).
- Y. S. Huang, C. S. Chao, Y. P. Stetsko, Y. R. Lee, C. H. Ching, C. Y. Huang, G. Y. Lin, T. C. Lin, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Substrate-mediated Multi-wave Resonace Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction in Thin Films: A New Way for Direct Phase Determination¡¨, Phys. Rev. B 64, 085406-1~ 085406-5 (2001).
- C.-H. Chao, C.-Y. Hung, Y.-S. Huang, C.-H. Ching, Y.-R. Lee, Y.-C. Jean, S.-C. Lai, Yu. P. Stetsko, H. Yuan and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Multiple diffraction data analysis for macromolecular crystals in stereoscopic multi-beam imaging¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A 58, 33-41 (2002).
- S.-L. Chang, Yu P. Stetsko, and Y.-R. Lee, ¡§Quantitative Determination of Phase for Macromolecular Crystals Using Multiple Diffraction Methods and Dynamical Theory¡¨, Zeit. Kristallogr., 217, 662-667 (2002).
- S.-L. Chang, C. H. Chao, C. Y. Hung, Y. S. Huang, C. H. Ching, Y. R. Lee, S. C. Lai, Y. P. Stetsko, and H. Yuan, ¡§Phase Determination from Overlapped Three-Beam Diffraction Profiles of Macromolecular Crystals by X-Ray Stereoscopic Multi-Beam Imaging¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A58, C370 (2002).
- Y.P. Stetsko, G.Y. Lin, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, Y.R. Lee, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§X-Ray Resonance Multi-Beam Diffraction: Experiments and the Perturbative Bethe Approximation¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A58, C371 (2002).
- Y. R. Lee, G.G. Lin, Y.P. Stetsko, S.Y. Cheng, , C.C. Kuo, Y.R. Jou, P.S. Fang, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Effects of Multiple-Wave Interaction on X-Ray Fluorescence: A Synchrotron Experiment¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A58, C355 (2002).
- K.-J. Chao, P.-H. Liu, A.-T. Cho, K.-Y. Huang, Y.-R. Lee and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Preparation and Characterization of Low-k Mesoporous Silica Films¡¨, RECENT ADVANCES IN THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ZEOLITES AND RELATED MATERIALS, STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS, 154, Part A-C, 94-101(2004).
- Yuri P. Stetsko, Y.-R. Lee, M.-T. Tang, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Phase-Dependent Polarization Aspects of Three-Wave X-ray Diffraction: An Iterative Born Approximation¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A60, 64-74 (2004).
- C.-H. Du, M.-T. Tang, Yu P. Stetsko, Y.-R. Lee, C.-W. Wang, C.-W. Cheng, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Multiple-Wave Coherent Interaction in a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Material 2H-NbSe2¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A60, 209-213 (2004).
- P.-H. Liu, K.-J. Chao, X.-J. Guo, K.-Y. Huang, Y.-R. Lee, C.-W. Cheng, M.-S. Chiu, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Characterization of Ordered Mesoporous Films on Silicon (0 0 1) Surface Using X-ray and Electron Diffraction¡¨, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 38, 211-216 (2004).
- A. Souvorov, T. Ishikawa, A. Y. Nikulin, Yu. P. Stetsko, S.-L. Chang, and
P. Zaumseil, ¡§X-ray Dynamical Theory of Multiple Beam Diffraction from
Crystalline Multilayers: Application to a 90-degree Bragg Reflection¡¨, Phys. Rev. B. 70, No.22, 224109-1¡X224109-9 (2004).
- S.-L. Chang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, M. Yabashi, and T. Ishikawa, ¡§X-ray Resonance in Crystal Cavities: Realization of Fabry-Perot Resonator for Hard X-rays¡¨, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 174801-1¡X174801-4 (2005).
- C.-H. Du, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, Yuri P. Stetsko, C.-J. Lin, J.-J. Lee, H.-H. Lin, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Dynamic Phase Transition of the Charge Density Waves Lattice ¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A61, C322 (2005).
- H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, H.-H. Chen, W.-H. Sun, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Three-Beam Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure of Thin Films¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A61, C409 (2005).
- W.-C. Sun, H.-C. Chang, P.-K. Wu, Y.-R. Chen, C.-H. Chu, C.-W. Cheng, M.-S. Chiu, Y.-C. Shen, H.-H. Wu, W.-H. Sun, Y.-R. Lee, M.-H. Hong, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Probing Interface Strain With X-ray Bragg-Surface Diffraction¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A61, C410 (2005).
- S.-L. Chang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, H.-H. Wu, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, ¡§Direct Observation of Resonance Fringes in X-ray Cavity: A Diffraction Experiment¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A61, C431 (2005).
- C.-H. Du, M.-T. Tang, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Depping Process and Dynamic Phase Transition of Charge-Density Wave K0.3MoO3¡¨, Spring-8 Research Frontiers 2004, 83-84 (2005).
- C.-H. Du, Y.-R. Lee, C.-Y. Lo, H.-H. Lin, and S.-L. Chang, M.-T. Tang, Yuri P. Stetsko, J.-J. Lee, ¡§Direct Measurement of Spatial Distortions of Charge Density Waves in K0.3MoO3 ¡¨, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 241916-1¡X241916-3 (2006).
- S.-J. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, S.-L. Chang, T. Miller, T.-C. Chiang, ¡§Umklapp-Mediated Quantization of Electronic States in Ag Films on Ge(111)¡¨, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 216803-1¡X216803-4 (2006).
- W.-C. Sun, H.-C. Chang, P.-K. Wu, Y.-J. Chen, C.-H. Chu, M.-T. Tang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M. Hong, S.-L. Chang, ¡§Measuring Interface Strains at the Atomic Resolution in Depth Using X-Ray Bragg-Surface Diffraction¡¨, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 091915-1¡X091915-3 (2006).
- S.-L. Chang, Yu. Stetsko, and M.-T. Tang, ¡§Realization of Fabry-Perot Resonators for Hard X-Rays¡¨, Spring-8 Research Frontiers 2005, 138-139 (2006).
- Y.-L. Soo, W.-H. Sun, S.-C. Weng, Y.-S. Lin, S.-L. Chang, L.-Y. Jang, X. Wu and Y. Yan, ¡§Local Environment Surrounding S and Cd in CdS:O Thin Films Photovoltaic Materials Probed by X-ray Absorption Fine Structures¡¨, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 131908-1¡X131908-3 (2006).
- Y.-R. Lee, Yu. P. Stetsko, W.-H. Sun, S.-C. Weng, S.-Y. Cheng, G.-G. Lin, Y.-L. Soo, and and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Multiple-wave Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure¡§, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 185502-1¡X185502-4 (2006).
- S.-L. Chang, Yu.P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, H.-H. Wu, B.-Y. Shew, Y.-H. Lin, T.-T. Kuo, K.Tamasaku, D. Miwa, S.-Y. Chen, Y.-Y. Chang, J.-T. Shy, ¡¨Crystal Cavity Resonance for Hard X Rays: A Diffraction Experiment¡¨, Phys. Rev. B. 74, 134111-1¡X134111-7 (2006).
- W.-C. Sun, C.-H. Chu, H.-C. Chang, B.-K. Wu, Y.-R Chen, C.-W. Cheng, M.-S. Chiu, Y.-C. Shen, H.-H. Wu, Y.-S Hung, S.-L. Chang, M. Hong, M.-T. Tang, and Yu. P. Stetsko, ¡§Determination of Three- Dimensional Interfacial Strain--A Novel Method of Probing Interface Structure with X-ray Bragg-Surface Diffraction¡¨, Thin Solid Films, 515, 14, 5716-5723 (2007).
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Realization of Fabry-Perot Resonators for Hard X-Rays Using Micro/Nanotechnology¡¨, Cryst. Reports, 52, 1, 23-27 (2007); Kristallografia, 52, 1, 27-31 (2007).
- C.-H. Du, C.-Y. Lo, H.-H. Lin, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Nonlinearity and Dynamic Phase Transition of Charge-Density-Wave Lattice¡¨, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 104915-1¡X104915-5 (2007).
- Y.-R. Lee, A, Gray, J. Teschler, P. Czoschke, H. Hong, S.-L. Chang, and T.-C. Chiang, ¡§Quantum Oscillations and Beats in X-Ray Diffraction during Film Growth¡¨, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 156103-1¡X156103-4 (2007).
- Y.-L. Soo, S.-C. Weng, W.-H. Sun, S.-L. Chang, W.C. Lee, Y. C. Chang, J. Kwo, M. Hong, J. M. Ablett, C.-C. Kao, D. G. Liu, and J. F. Lee, ¡§Local Environment Surrounding Co in MBE-Grown Co-Doped HfO2 Thin Films Probed by EXAFS¡¨, Phys. Rev. B. 76, 132404-1¡X132404-4 (2007).
- M.-S. Chiu, Yu. P. Stetsko, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Dynamical Calculation for X-ray Twenty-Four Beam Diffraction in a Two-Plate Crystal Cavity of Silicon¡¨, Acta Crystallogr. A 64, 394-403 (2008).
- S.-Y. Chen, Y.-Y. Chang, M.-T. Tang, Yu. Stetsko, M. Yabashi, H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Beam Suppression and Focusing in Multi-Plate Crystal Cavity with Compound Refractive Lenses¡¨, A64, C577 (2008).
- S.-L. Chang, M.-S. Chiu, and Yu. P. Stetsko, ¡§Twenty-Four Beam X-Ray Diffraction in a Two-Plate Fabry-Perot Silicon Crystal Cavity¡¨, A64, C574 (2008).
- S.-C. Weng, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, Yu. P. Stetsko and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Multiple-Wave X-Ray resonant diffraction using iterative Born approximation¡¨, A64, C576 (2008).
- C.-H. Chu, Y.-W. Tsai, W.-C. Sun and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Studies of FeSi2/Si Quantum Dot Nano-Structures by X-Ray Bragg-Surface Diffractions (BSD)¡¨, A64, C549 (2008).
- S.-Y. Chen, Y.-Y. Chang, M.-T. Tang, Yu. Stetsko, M. Yabashi, H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Multi-Plate Crystal Cavity with Compound Refractive Lenses¡¨, Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components III, Vol.7077, 70770J-1¡X70770J-6, Proc. SPIE Optics & Photonics (2008).
- H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, Y.-Y. Chang, C.-H. Chu, Y.-W. Tsai, Y.-J. Liu, C.-H. Hsieh, L.-J. Chou, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Direct Determination of Resonance Phase Shifts of Soft X-Ray Diffraction in Thin-Films by Momentum-Transfer Sensitive Three-Wave Interference¡¨, Phys. Rev. B. 78, 092101-1¡X092101-4 (2008).
- S.-Y. Chen, H.-H. Wu, Y.-Y. Chang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, S.-L. Chang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, M. Yabashi, and T. Ishikawa, ¡§Coherent Trapping of X-ray Photons in Crystal Cavities in the Picosecond Regime¡¨, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 141105-1¡X141105-3 (2008).
- Y. L. Soo, P. J. Chen, S. H. Huang, T. J. Shiu, T. Y. Tsai, Y. H. Chow, Y. C. Lin, S. C. Weng, S. L. Chang, G. Wang, C. L. Cheung, R. F. Sabirianov, W. N. Mei, F. Namavar, H. Haider, K. L. Garvin, J. F. Lee, H. Y. Lee and P. P. Chu, ¡§Local Structures Surrounding Zr in Nanostructurally Stabilized Cubic Zirconia: Structural Origin of Phase Stability¡¨, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 113535-1¡X113535-5 (2008).
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Coherent Dynamical Interaction in X-ray Multiple Diffraction and Crystal Cavity Resonance¡¨, ACA Reflexions, No. 4, American Crystallographic Association (2009) (Accepted).
- Y.-Y. Chang, S.-Y. Chen, H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, and S.-L. Chang, M.-T. Tang, Yu. Stetsko, and B.-Y. Shew, M. Yabashi, ¡§Diffraction-Enhanced Beam-Focusing for X-rays in Curved Multi-Plate Crystal Cavity¡¨, Appl. Phys. Lett. (2009) (Submitted).
D. Conference Papers:
- B. Post and S.L. Chang, ¡§Four-beam Bragg-Laue Dynamical Diffraction¡¨, American Crystallographic Association winter meeting (1975)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Correction of Index of Refraction due to Dynamical Effect of X-ray Diffraction in Bragg Cases¡¨, Brazilian Crystallographic Society annual meeting (1976)
- B. Post, S.L. Chang, and T.C. Huang, ¡§Four-beam Simultaneous Borrmann Diffraction¡¨, American Crystallographic Association winter meeting (1976)
- S.L. Chang and S. Caticha-Ellis, ¡§Distinguishing Symmetry Equivalent Reflection by Multiple Diffraction of X-rays¡¨, Brazilian Crystallographic Society annual meeting (1977)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§On the Solution Dispersion Surface of X-ray Diffraction¡¨, Brazilian Crystallographic Society annual meeting (1977)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Multiple Bragg-type Dynamical Diffraction in Ge¡¨, American Crystallographic Association winter meeting (1978)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Comparison between Bragg-Bragg and Bragg-Laue Type Dynamical Multiple Diffraction of X-rays in Germanium¡¨, 11th International Congress of Crystallography, Warsaw (1978)
- R.P. Postigo, S.L. Chang, and S. Caticha Ellis, ¡§Precise Measurement of Lattice Parameters by Multiple Diffraction of X-rays¡¨, 11
th International Congress of Crystallography, Warsaw (1978)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Determination of Lattice Mismatch between GaAlAs LPE and GaAs Substrate by X-ray Divergent Beam Method¡¨, Brazilian Crystallographic Society annual meeting (1979)
- C. Campos and S.L. Chang, ¡§Reforco na Intendidade de Raios-X Difratada a Forma V da Superficie de Entrada para Um Cristal Perfeito¡¨, Brazilian Crystallographic Society annual meeting (1979)
- S.L. Chang and C. Campos, ¡§A New X-ray Interferometer and X-ray Diffraction Lenses? ¡V X-ray Interference by Division of Wavefront¡¨, American Crystallographic Association winter meeting (1980)
- C. Campos and S.L. Chang, ¡§Observation of Multi-beam Borrmann Effects on the Direct Beam from Silicon for Using Lang Camera¡¨, 12th International Congress of Crystallography, Ottawa (1981)
- F.S. Han and S.L. Chang, ¡§Application of the Experimentally Determined Phases in Crystal-Structure Determination¡¨, American Crystallographic Association winter meeting (1982)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Direct Determination of X-ray Reflection Phases¡¨, American Crystallographic Association winter meeting (1982)
- H.J. Queisser, S.L. Chang, W. Hartmann, and G. Markewitz, ¡§Instrumentation for Real-time X-ray Topography¡¨, International X-ray and VUV-Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference, Hamburg (1982)
- C. Campos and S.L. Chang, ¡§Borrmann Prism ¡V The Borrmann Fan for N-beam X-ray Transmission¡¨, 13th International Congress of Crystallography, Hamburg (1984)
- S.L. Chang, J.A.P. Valladares, ¡§Solution to the X-ray Phase Problem for Acentric Crystals¡¨, 13th International Congress of Crystallography, Hamburg (1984)
- S.L. Chang, L.P. Cardoso, and S. Moehlecke, ¡§Direct Observation of Anisotropic Surface Structure of Pd/Nb Thin Films Using X-ray Specular Reflection Technique¡¨, 13th International Congress of Crystallography, Hamburg (1984)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Multiple Diffraction and the Invariant Phases of Structure Factors¡¨, the 2nd ROC-ROK Symposium on Solid State Physics, Taipei (1985)
- S.L. Chang, H.H. Horng, S.W. Luh, and M.T. Tang, ¡§Phase Determination of Structure-Factor Triplets and Quartets Using High-Order Multiple Diffraction of X-rays¡¦, 14th International Congress of Crystallography, Perth (1987)
- C.M. Lo and S.L. Chang, ¡§A Proposed Multi-beam X-ray Monochromator for Synchrotron Radiation: Theoretical Considerations¡¨, 14th International Conference on X-ray and Inner-shell Processes, Paris (1987)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Phase Problem and Its Solution Using Multi-beam Interference¡¨, 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference, Hong Kong (1988)
- S.L. Chang, M.T. Huang, and M.T. Tang, ¡§Quantitative Phase Determination and Kramers-Kronig Relations in Three-beam Diffraction¡¨, 15th International Congress of Crystallography, Bordeaux (1990)
- W.T. Wang, S.W. Luh, and S.L. Chang, ¡§Study of X-ray Diffraction from Superlattices¡¨, 4th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference, Seoul (1990)
- M.T. Huang and S.L. Chang, ¡§Quantitative Phase Determination Using Three-beam Interference for Organic Crystals¡¨, American Physical Society, March Meeting, Cincinnati (1991)
- S.L. Chang, K.S. Liang, Z. Fu, R.J. Rao, and R. Jung, ¡§High-resolution Small Angle X-ray Scattering Studies of Diblock copolymer¡¨, American Physical Society, March Meeting, Cincinnati (1991)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Direct Phase Determination of Large Macromolecular Crystals Using Three-beam X-ray Interference¡¨, Symposium on ¡§Applications of Synchrotron Radiation¡¨, Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu (1991)
- H.H. Hung, S.L. Chang, and K.S. Liang, ¡§Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction: Theory and Applications¡¨, 5th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference, Kuala Lumpur (1992)
- Y.S. Tsai, M.T. Huang, and S.L. Chang, ¡§Enhanced Phase Effect in Four-beam Diffraction¡¨, Asian Crystallographic Association Conference, Singapore (1992)
- H.H. Hung, S.L. Chang, and K.S. Liang, ¡§Dynamical Effect of Crystal Truncation Rod and Its Application to X-ray Study of Cu3Au (001) Surface¡¨, 16th International Congress of Crystallography, Beijing (1993)
- M.T. Huang, C.M. Wang, and S.L. Chang, ¡§Phase Determination of Macromolecular Crystals from Multiple X-ray Diffraction Using a Conventional Laboratory Source¡¨, 16th International Congress of Crystallography, Beijing (1993)
- T.S. Gau and S.L. Chang, ¡§Surface/Interface Structure Analysis of Thin Films with Surface X-ray Rod-scan and Dynamical Diffraction Theory¡¨, the 1994 International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM¡¦94), Hsinchu (1994)
- S.L. Chang and T.S. Gau, ¡§Solving the Intensity Problem of X-ray Surface Diffraction Using Dynamical Theory¡¨, 6th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference, Brisbane (1994)
- T.S. Gau, H.C. Chien, and S.L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Diffraction from Surfaces and Interfaces ¡V A Dynamical Approach¡¨, 1995 International Conference on Interference Phenomena of X-ray Scattering, Moscow (1995)
- C.M. Wang and S.L. Chang, ¡§Phase Extension Using X-ray Multiple Diffraction and Maximum Entropy Method¡¨, 2nd Asian Crystallographic Conference, Bangkok (1995)
- S.L. Chang and C.M. Wang, ¡§Phase Determination and Extension Using X-ray Multiple Diffraction and Maximum Entropy Method¡¨, 17th International Congress of Crystallography, Seattle (1996)
- T.S. Gau and S.L. Chang, ¡§The X-ray Study of the YSZ/MgO (001) Interface: The Dynamical Approach¡¨, 17th International Congress of Crystallography, Seattle (1996)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Construction and Application of the TLS Light Source at the SRRC¡¨, Regional Workshop on Synchrotron Radiation, Bangkok (1996)
- H.C. Lin, H.C. Chien, Y.S. Huang, S.L. Chang, and T.C. Huang, ¡§Peak Identification of Conventional X-rtay Diffraction Patterns for MBE FePt Thin Films on MgO Single-crystal Substrates¡¨, 46th Denver X-ray Conference, Steamboat Springs (1997)
- H.C. Chien, S.L. Chang, R.F.C. Farrow, R.F. Marks, D. Wells, and T.C. Huang, ¡§Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction Analysis of MBE FePt Thin Films¡¨, 46th Denver X-ray Conference, Steamboat Springs (1997)
- S.L. Chang, ¡§Direct Determination of X-ray Reflection Phases Using Multiple Diffraction: Theory and Experiments¡¨, 3rd Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Bangi, Malaysia (1998)
- Y.S. Huang, S.L. Chang, C.H. Chao, M.T. Tang, and Y.P. Stetsko, ¡§Three-wave Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction: A Method for Direct Phase Determination of Surface In-plane Reflection¡¨, 3rd Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Bangi, Malaysia (1998)
- C.K. Chen, S.L. Chang, T.S. Gau, Y.F. Huang, Y.N. Huang, J.M. Chen, R.G. Liu, and M.T. Tang, ¡§Direct Observation of Anisotropic X-ray Fluorescence Images from Solid Samples¡¨, 3rd Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Bangi, Malaysia (1998)
- C.H. Chao, Y.S. Huang, F.J. Liang, H.C. Chien, C.K. Chen, S.L. Chang, Y.C. Jean, H.S. Sheu, and H.S. Yuan, ¡§Direct Phase Determination for Macromolecular Crystals by Stereoscopic Multi-beam Imaging¡¨, 3rd Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Bangi, Malaysia (1998)
- S.L. Chang, C.H. Chao, Y.S. Huang, F.J. Liang, and C.K. Chen, ¡§Solving the X-ray Phase Problem for Macromolecular Crystals by Multi-wave X-ray Interference¡¨, 3rd OCPA Physics Conference, Atlanta (1999)
- Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, M.T. Tang, S.L. Chang, and Y.P. Stetsko, ¡§Three-wave Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction: Direct Phase Determination of Surface Reflections¡¨, 18th International Congress of Crystallography, Glasgow (1999)
- C.K. Chen, T.S. Gau, Y.C. Jean, C.Y. Liu, C.H. Chung, and S.L. Chang, ¡§The Soft X-ray Six-circle Diffractometer for Scattering/Diffraction¡¨, 18th International Congress of Crystallography, Glasgow (1999)
- S.L. Chang, C.H. Chao, Y.S. Huang, F.J. Liang, Y.P. Stetsko, H.C. Chien, C.K. Chen, Y.C. Jean, H.S. Sheu, and H.S. Yuan, ¡§Direct Phase Determination for Macromolecular Crystals by Stereoscopic Multi-beam Imaging¡¨, 18th International Congress of Crystallography, Glasgow (1999)
- C.H. Chao, Y.P. Stetsko, Y.S. Huang, C.K. Chen, and S.L. Chang, ¡§Quantitative Determination of Triplet Phase Invariants: Universality of Three Wave Peak Profiles¡¨, 18th International Congress of Crystallography, Glasgow (1999)
- Y.P. Stetsko, Y.S. Huang, and S.L. Chang, ¡§Three-wave X-ray Diffraction: Polarization Aspects of Phase Sensitivity¡¨, 18th International Congress of Crystallography, Glasgow (1999)
- S.L. Chang, "Direct Phase Determination of In-plane Reflections for Crystal Surfaces/Interfaces Using Three-wave Resonance Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction", 2nd International Symposium on Electronic and Atomic Structures (ISEAS-2), Taipei (1999)
- S.L. Chang, "Quantitative Phase Determination in Macromolecular Crystals Using Multiple X-ray Diffraction", 6th Symposium on Recent Advances in Biophysics (Biophysics Society of R.O.C.), Hsinchu (2000)
- S.L. Chang, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, Y.P. Stetsko, Y.R. Lee, C.Y. Hung, T.C. Lin, G.Y. Lin, and C.H. Chin, "Synchrotron Experiments of X-ray Multi-wave Interaction in 2-D and 3-D Crystals", 8th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Taipei (2000)
- T.S. Gau, Y.C. Jean, K.Y. Liu, C.H. Chung, C.K. Chen, S.C. Lai, C.H. Shu, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, Y.R. Lee, C.T. Chen, and S.L. Chang, "Soft X-ray Diffractometer for Synchrotron Radiation", 7th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation-SRI 2000, Berlin (2000)
- Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, C.H. Hsu, Y.P. Stetsko, C.Y. Hung, C.H. Ching, G.Y. Lin T.C. Lin, Y.R. Lee, and S.L. Chang, "Direct Phase Determination of Surface In-plane Reflection of Thin Films by X-ray Grazing Incidence Three-wave Resonance Diffraction", 19th European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM19, Nancy (2000)
- Y.P. Stetsko, G.Y. Lin, C.H. Chao, Y.R. Lee, and S.-L. Chang, "Multiple-wave X-ray Interference at Absorption Edges: Determination of Phase Shift at Resonance", American Physical Society March Meeting, Seattle (2001)
- S.-L. Chang, Y.P. Stetsko, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, Y.R. Lee, C.H. Ching, C.Y. Hung, G.Y. Lin, and T.Z. Lin, "Multi-wave Resonance Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction in Thin Films", American Physical Society March Meeting, Seattle (2001)
- S.-L Chang, ¡§Resonance Multiple Diffraction of X-rays in Thin Films and Crystals¡¨, Third Russian National Conference on X-rays, Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons, Electrons (RSNE), Moscow (2001)
- Y.P. Stetsko, G.Y. Lin, C.H. Chao, Y.R. Lee, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Anomalous Behavior of X-ray Multiple Diffraction at Resonance¡¨, 20th European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM20, Krakow (2001)
- C.H.Chao, C.Y. Hung, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Ching, Y.R. Lee, S.C. Lai, Y.P. Stetsko, H. Yuan and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Phase Determination Using X-ray Stereoscopic Multi-beam Imaging: Data Analysis Based on Diffraction Theory¡¨, 20th European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM20, Krakow (2001)
- Y.P. Stetsko, G.Y. Lin, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, Y.R. Lee, and S.-L. Chang, ¡¨X-ray Resonance Phase: Multi-bean Diffraction Experiments and the Resonance Perturbation Bethe Approximation", 4th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Bangalore, India (2001)
- C. H. Chao, C. Y. Hung Y. S. Huang, C. H. Ching, Y. R. Lee, S. C. Lai, Y. P. Stetsko, H. Yuan and S.-L. Chang, ¡¨Phase Determination for Macromolecular crystals Using Stereoscopic Multi-beam Imaging: Data Analysis and Theoretical Consideration", 4th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Bangalore, India (2001)
- Y.P. Stetsko, G.Y. Lin, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, Y.R. Leea, and S.-L. Chang, ¡¨Direct Determination of Resonance Phase of X-ray Reflection by Multiple diffraction¡¨, 4th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Bangalore, India (2001)
- Y. R. Lee, G.G. Lin, Y.P. Stetsko, S.Y. Cheng, C.C. Kuo, Y.R. Jou, P.S. Fang, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Fluorescence Measurement under Multiple Diffraction Condition¡¨, 4th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Bangalore, India (2001)
- Y.P. Stetsko, G.Y. Lin, Y.S. Huang, C.H. Chao, Y.R. Lee, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§X-Ray Resonance Multi-beam Diffraction: Experiments and the Perturbative Bethe Approximation¡¨ 19th International Congress of Crystallography, Geneva (2002)
- S.-L. Chang, C. H. Chao, C. Y. Hung, Y. S. Huang, C. H. Ching, Y. R. Lee, S. C. Lai, Y. P. Stetsko, and H. Yuan, ¡§Phase Determination from Overlapped Three-beam Diffraction Profiles of Macromolecular Crystals by X-ray Stereoscopic Multi-beam Imaging¡¨, 19th International Congress of Crystallography, Geneva (2002)
- Y. R. Lee, G.G. Lin, Y.P. Stetsko, S.Y. Cheng, , C.C. Kuo, Y.R. Jou, P.S. Fang, and S.-L. Chang. ¡§Effects of Multiple-wave Interaction on X-ray Fluorescence: Synchrotron Experiments¡¨, 19th International Congress of Crystallography, Geneva (2002)
- Y.-R. Lee, S.-C. Weng, C.-T. Lin, H.-H. Chen, W.-S. Sun, W.-C. Sun, B.-K. Wu, M.-S. Chiu, Yu. P. Stetsko, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Three-Wave X-ray Resonance Diffraction of CdTe Thin Films: Determination of Resonance Phases¡¨, American Physical Society March Meeting, Austin (2003)
- S.-L. Chang and K.-J. Chao, ¡§X-ray Characterization of Nano-structures and Thin Films Using Grazing Incidence and Multi-Wave Diffraction¡¨, 10th Asian Pacific Academy of Material Science Seminar ¡§Nanoscience and Technology¡¨, Asian Pacific Academy of Material Science, Novosibirsk (2003)
- S.-L. Chang, Y.-R. Lee, Yu. P. Stetsko, S.-Y. Cheng, G.-G. Lin, S.-C. Weng , and W.-S. Sun, ¡§Three-Beam Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure of Gallium Arsenide¡¨, 5th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Broome, Australia (2003)
- S.-L. Chang, C.-H. Du, M.-T. Tang, Yu. P. Stetsko, Y.-R. Lee, T.-T. Lin, S.-C. Weng , and W.-S. Sun, ¡§Direct Phase Determination of Fractional Reflection in Charge-density-wave Crystals Using Multiple Diffraction¡¨, 16 th Sagamore Conference, Broome, Australia (2003)
- C.-H. Du, M.-T. Tang, Yu. P. Stetsko, Y.-R. Lee, J.-J. Lee, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§The Study of the Phases of CDWs Under the Application of Electric Fields Using Multiple X-ray Diffraction¡¨, 16 th Sagamore Conference, Broome, Australia (2003)
- S.-L. Chang, C.-H. Du, M.-T. Tang, Yu. P. Stetsko, Y.-R. Lee, T.-T. Lin, S.-C. Weng, and W.-S. Sun, ¡§X-ray Multiple Diffraction in Charge-Density-Wave Crystals: Direct Phase Determination of Fractional Reflection¡¨, International Session dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian National Conference on X-rays, Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons, Electrons (RSNE), Moscow (2003)
- K. J. Chao, A. S. T. Chiang, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Characterization of Mesoporous Silica Films¡¨, Nano-Materials Conference, Singapore (2003)
- Y.-R. Lee, Yu. P. Stetsko, S.-Y. Cheng, S.-C. Weng, G.-G. Lin, W.-S. Sun, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Multiple-wave Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure¡§, American Physical Society March Meeting, Montreal (2004)
- P.-H. Liu, K.-J. Chao, X.-J. Guo, and S.-L.Chang, ¡§Structural Characterization of Mesoporous Silica Thin Film by Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and TEM¡¨, International Mesostructured Materials Symposium 2004 (2004)
- W.-H. Sun, Y.-R. Lee, S.-C. Weng, S.-Y. Cheng, W.-C. Sun, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Multiple-Wave X-Ray Diffraction at Resonance: An Iterative Born Approximation¡¨, 6th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Hong Kong (2004)
- H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, H.-H. Chen, W.-S. Sun, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Three-Beam Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure of Thin Films¡¨, 6th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Hong Kong (2004)
- W.-C. Sun, H.-C. Chang, B.-K. Wu, Y.-R. Chen, C.-H. Chu, C.-W. Cheng, W.-S. Sun, H.-H. Wu, M.-S. Chiu, Y.-C. Shen, Y.-R. Lee, M.-H. Hong, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Determination of Interface Strain with X-Ray Bragg-Surface Diffraction¡¨, APAM 7th Seminar on ¡§Functional Materials¡¨, Asian-Pacific Academy of Materials, Ningbo (2004)
- W.-C. Sun, H.-C. Chang, B.-K. Wu, Y.-R. Chen, C.-H. Chu, C.-W. Cheng, W.-S. Sun, H.-H. Wu, M.-S. Chiu, Y.-C. Shen, Y.-R. Lee, M.-H. Hong, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Probing Interface Strain with X-Ray Three-Wave Bragg-Surface Diffraction¡¨, IUMRS-ICA2004 Conference, IUMRS, Hsinchu (2004)
- S.-L. Chang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, H.-H. Wu, M. Yabashi, and T. Ishikawa, ¡§X-ray Resonance in Crystal Cavities--Realization of Fabry-Perot Resonator for Hard X-rays¡¨, American Physical Society March Meeting, Los Angeles (2005)
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Possible Future Applications of X-Ray Fabry-Perot Resonator for X-Ray Optics¡¨, Workshop on X-Ray Optics: A Roadmap for the Next Ten Years,, SPIE-Optics & Photonics, San Diego (2005) (Invited).
- S.-L. Chang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, H.-H. Wu, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, ¡§Realization of A Fabry-Perot Resonator for Hard X-Rays: A Synchrotron Diffraction Experiment¡¨, International School on Contemporary Physics-III, Ulaanbaatar (2005) (Invited)
- H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, H.-H. Chena, W.-H. Sun, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Three-Beam Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure of Thin Films¡¨, 20th International Congress of Crystallography, Florence (2005)
- W.-C. Sun, H.-C. Chang, P.-K. Wu, Y.-R. Chen, C.-H. Chu, C.-W. Cheng, M.-S. Chiu, Y.-C. Shen, H.-H. Wu, W.-S. Sun, Y.-R. Lee, M.-H. Hong, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Probing Interface Strain With X-ray Bragg-Surface Diffraction¡¨, 20th International Congress of Crystallography, Florence (2005).
- S.-L. Chang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, H.-H. Wu, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, ¡§Direct Observation of Resonance Fringes in X-ray Cavity: A Diffraction Experiment¡¨, 20th International Congress of Crystallography, Florence (2005).
- C.-H. Du, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, Yuri P. Stetsko, C.-J. Lin, J.-J. Lee, H.-H. Lin, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Dynamic Phase Transition of the Charge Density Waves Lattice ¡¨, 20th International Congress of Crystallography, Florence (2005).
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Realization of Fabry-Perot Resonators for Hard X-Rays Using Micro/Nanotechnology¡¨, International Session, Russian National Conference on X-rays, Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons, Electrons (RSNE), Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (2005) (Invited).
- H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, C.-M. Hsueh, H.-H. Chen, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Determination of interface compositions by X-ray three-beam resonance diffraction¡¨. American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore (2006).
- S.-L. Chang, Yu. P. Stetsko, M.-T. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, H.-H. Wu, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, ¡§X-Ray Fabry-Perot Resonator: Required Coherence and Possible Applications for X-Ray Optics¡¨, International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation 2006, Daegu, Korea (2006).
- W. C. Sun , H. C. Chang, B. K. Wu, Y. R Chen, and C.H Chu , M.T. Tang, and Yu. P. Stetsko, M. H. Hong, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§A New Method of Measuring Interface Strains Using X-Ray Bragg-Surface Diffraction¡¨, 9th International Conference on Surface X-rays and Neutron Scattering, Hsinchu (2006) (Invited).
- M.-S. Chiu, Yu. P. Stetsko, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§X-ray Twenty-Four Beam Dynamical Diffraction in a Two-Plate Crystal Cavity of Silicon¡¨, 7th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Tsukuba (2006).
- S.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Chu, C.-L. Chen, P.-W. Wu, M.-S. Chiu, Y.-C. Shen, M. Hong, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Feasibility Study of Wide-Angle Incidence X-Ray Waveguides Using Surface Diffraction¡¨, 7th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Tsukuba (2006).
- H.-H. Wu, C.-M. Hsueh, Y.-Y. Chang, C.-H. Chu, M.-S. Chiu, S.-C. Weng, Y.-R. Lee, S.-L. Chang, ¡§Soft X-ray Three-Beam Resonance Diffraction from CdTe/InSb Interface¡¨, 1st Asian/Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research, Tsukuba (2006).
- S.-Y. Chen, Y.-Y. Chang, M.-T. Tang, Yu. Stetsko, M. Yabashi, H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Producing Small Size Parallel X-Ray Beam by Multi-Plate Crystal Cavity with Compound Refractive Lenses¡¨, American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver (2007).
- S.-C. Weng, Y.-R. Lee, Yuri P. Stetsko, W.-H. Sun, Y.-L. Soo and S.-L. Chang, ¡§X-Ray Multiple-Wave Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure: A New Method for Structure Analysis¡¨, International School on Contemporary Physics-IV, Ulaanbaatar (2007) (Invited).
- M.-S. Chiu, Yu. P. Stetsko, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Dynamical Calculation for Twenty-Four Beam X-Ray Diffraction in a Two-Plate Crystal Cavity of Silicon¡¨, 8th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Taipei (2007).
- S.-Y. Chen, Y.-Y. Chang, Y.-J. Liu, M.-T. Tang, Yu. P. Stetsko, H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, M. Yabashi, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Beam Compression and Lattice-Constant Variations in Curved X-Ray Cavity¡¨, 8th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Taipei (2007).
- S.-C. Weng, Y.-R. Lee, Yu. P. Stetsko, W.-H. Sun, Y.-L. Soo and S.-L. Chang, ¡§X-Ray Multiple-Wave Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure¡¨, 8th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Taipei (2007).
- Y.-W. Tsai, C.-H. Chu , W.-C. Sun, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Determination of Lattice Parameters of FeSi2/Si Quantum Dot Nano-Structures by X-Ray Bragg-Surface Diffraction¡¨, 8th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Taipei (2007).
- S.-Y. Chen, Y.-C. Shen, M.-S. Chiu, C.-H. Chu, Yu. Stetsko, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Wide-Angle Incidence X-ray Waveguides Prepared by Micro-/nano-technology Using Crystal Surface Diffraction¡¨ American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans (2008).
- S.-Y. Chen, Y.-Y. Chang, M.-T. Tang, Yu. Stetsko, M. Yabashi, H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Multi-Plate Crystal Cavity with Compound Refractive Lenses¡¨, SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego (2008).
- S.-L. Chang, M.-S. Chiu, and Yu. P. Stetsko, ¡§Twenty-Four Beam X-Ray Diffraction in a Two-Plate Fabry-Perot Silicon Crystal Cavity¡¨, 21st International Congress of Crystallography, Kyoto (2008).
- S.-C. Weng, Y.-R. Lee, W.-H. Sun, Yu. P. Stetsko and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Multiple-Wave X-Ray resonant diffraction using iterative Born approximation¡¨, 21st International Congress of Crystallography, Kyoto (2008).
- C.-H. Chu, Y.-W. Tsai, W.-C. Sun and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Studies of FeSi2/Si Quantum Dot Nano-Structures by X-Ray Bragg-Surface Diffractions (BSD)¡¨, 21st International Congress of Crystallography, Kyoto (2008).
- S.-Y. Chen, Y.-Y. Chang, M.-T. Tang, Yu. Stetsko, M. Yabashi, H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Beam Suppression and Focusing in Multi-Plate Crystal Cavity with Compound Refractive Lenses¡¨, 21st International Congress of Crystallography, Kyoto (2008).
- C.-H. Chu, Y.-W. Tsai, W.-C. Sun, L.-J. Chou, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§ Determination of Strain Field of FeSi2/Si Quantum Dot Nano-Structures by X-Ray Bragg-Surface Three-Beam Diffraction¡¨, APAM 8th Seminar on ¡§State of Materials Research and New Trends in Material Science¡¨, Asian-Pacific Academy of Materials, New Delhi (2008)(Invited).
- S.-C. Weng, Y.-R. Lee, J.-G. Chen, C.-H. Chu, S.-L. Chang, ¡§Resonant Multi-Wave X-Ray Diffraction Study on Iron Oxide Systems¡¨, American Physical Society March Meeting, Pittsburgh (2009).
- S.-Y. Chen, M.-S. Chiu, Y.-Y. Chang, M.-T. Tang, Yu. P. Stetsko, H.-H. Wu, Y.-R. Lee, M. Yabashi, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Wave Fields in X-Ray Fabry-Perot Resonators¡¨, PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium), Beijing (2009).
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Coherent Dynamical Interaction in X-ray Multiple Diffraction and Crystal Cavity Resonance¡¨, American Crystallographic Association, Annual Conference, Toronto (2009)(Plenary lecture).
- Y.-Y. Chang , S.-Y. Chen, M.-T. Tang, Yu. Stetsko, M. Yabashi, S.-C. Weng, C.-H. Chu, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§X-Ray Beam Focusing in Multi-Plate Crystal Cavity with Compound Refractive Lenses¡¨, The 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne (2009).
- S.-L. Chang, C.-J. Huang, L.-S. Cai, H.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Chu, M.-T. Tang, Yu. P. Stetsko, B.-Y. Shew, ¡§Wide-Angle incidence Waveguides Using X-Ray Diffraction¡¨, 9th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Beijing (2009).
- Y.-Y. Chang, S.-Y. Chen, M.-T. Tang, Yu. Stetsko, M. Yabashi, S.-C. Weng, C.-H. Chu, B.-Y. Shew, and S.-L. Chang, ¡§Focusing Effects in Parabolic Shaped Multi-Plate Crystal Cavity for X-rays¡¨, 9th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Beijing (2009).
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Coherent Dynamical Interaction of X-rays in Crystal Cavity Resonance¡¨, Dr. Leroy Chang Memorial Symposium, Taipei (2009)(Invited talk)
- S.-L. Chang, ¡§Micro- and Nano-scale Wide-angle Incidence X-ray Wave Guides¡¨, 7th Russian National Conference on ¡§Application of X-rays, Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons, Electrons for Investigation of Materials. Nano-Bio-Info and Cognitive Technologies¡¨ (RSNE-NBIC 2009), Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Plenary lecture)