AIFR Group

About AIFR Group 關於「人工智慧與基礎研究群」

Artificial Intelligence for Fundamental Research (AIFR) Group is led by Prof. Daw-Wei Wang in National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU) to study and to explore the application as well as the fundmental research of Artificial Intelligence in various research fields, including (but not exclusive) physics, astronomy, brain sciences, computer sciences, humanity and social sciences etc. It is our belief that machine learning or AI is not only a tool in these fields, but can be also investigated and developed further through the treasures of human knowledge in these fields. Therefore, interdisciplinary and intensive collaboration with researchers in differential fields is the most essential factor. We believe that such an AI-based fundamental researches are exciting and practical to understand this interesting world, and may contribute to the knowledge of human society.


At this moment (2020), our research topics (as shown in the right column of this webpage) includes (1) search for Young Stellar Objects in astronomy (in collaboration with Prof. Shi-Ping Lai in Institute of Astronomy, NTHU), (2) identification of the polarity of drosophila brain neurons (in collaboration with Prof. Chung-Chuan Lo in Institute of Systems Neurosciences, NTHU), (3) prediction of Civil judgment (in collaboration with Prof. Yung-Hsien Lin in Institute of Law and Technology, NTHU), (4) classification of topological and dynamical properties of strongly interacting systems. We welcome perspective students, postdocs, research assistants, data scientists or Professors to join together. Please contact Prof. Wang for further discussion.


AIFR Group Members
AIFR Group

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