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About me
Welcome to my new homepage!
I am Nori Iizuka, a theoretical physicist currently working at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, and at Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University, Japan. I am researching theoretical and mathematical physics, especially *string theory*.
Extremely simply put, string theory is a theory of strings, where we regard all (apparently point-like) particles made up by vibrating one-dimensional strings. Quite remarkably, by making this theory of vibrating strings mathematically completely consistent with the principles of quantum mechanics and (1+1)-dimensional general relativity, you are forced to see an ultimate theory of theoretical physics, which contains higher dimensional gravity (i.e., Einstein's general relativity), weak force, strong force, extra dimensions (meaning that our space-time has more than 3 spatial directions!), supersymmetry, black holes (space-time regions where gravitational force is so strong that nobody, even a light beam cannot escape from that at least classically), wormholes (a space-time structure where different points are connected), emergent space-time and holography (These are very modern physics so I will explain it more later), and many beautiful mathematics. String theory is an extremely rich and deep subject!
Among all, the most interesting aspect of string theory to me is its gravitational aspects, namely, string theory as a theory of *quantum gravity*, an ultimate theory to describe Einstein's theory of gravity and space-time according to the principles of quantum mechanics. My past research achievements were to shed new light on the aspects of quantum gravity and space-time, including finding new attractor mechanisms for black holes and also finding a new model of quantum black holes clarifying the 'mistakes' of Stephen Hawking's black hole evaporation.
In this homepage, I would like to explain briefly what these theories are and why we theoretical physicists are working on these so hard. For experts who is currently working on these and possibly seeking for the post-doc position, I would also like to explain what kind of stuff especially in string theory I am working on.
But of course, if you are beginning undergrad student or advanced high school student, I am sure that you do not know what these theories are, but that's also completely OK! I will also explain these for much simpler ways and as intuitive as possible. If you are in the 3rd year on your undergrad study and seeking for your future research directions, my homepage might help you to understand why string theory and quantum gravity is such an exciting field and you youngsters should think of challenging it.
I would also like to show some useful information about international workshops or my talk slide about recent developments in this homepage as well. In such ways, I hope my homepage becomes useful for various level of people, high school students/undergrad university students/Ph.D. students/postdoc/senior faculties. Hope you enjoy this new homepage!
I was born in Kishiwada-city, a southern city of Osaka prefecture. After high school, in 1994, I enrolled in the University of Tokyo and graduated it in 1998. Then I went to graduate school again at the University of Tokyo till 1999 summer. After that, I moved to New York in the US for my PhD course at Columbia University. I was extremely fortunate that I met Prof. Daniel Kabat, my great mentor and also my great collaborator now, at Columbia. He is really a great person and through a lot of helpful discussions with him, I have learned quite a lot about string theory, the quantum nature of black holes, and holography, during my PhD.
In 2003, I obtained my PhD, my PhD thesis title is, "Holographic description of quantum black holes and spacetime".
After obtaining my PhD at Columbia, my worldwide post-doc career started. In 2003 summer, from New York, I flew to Mumbai, India, to begin my first post-doc at Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, so-called TIFR. At that moment, I guess that TIFR is one of the top string theory group in the world, probably one of the top 5 in the world. While I was in India, I was again extremely fortunate that I have worked with many great string theorists there, including Prof. Sandip Trivedi (former director of the Tata Institute (2015-2020) and even now he is my great collaborator!) and Prof. Atish Dabholkar (current director at ICTP, Trieste), Prof. Ashoke Sen, and many other great string theorists, and I have learned a lot of physics and math from them. Also working and living in India is, in my personal opinion, one of the great experience in my life and I really enjoyed it! To be honest, before I went to India, I have strong hesitation to go due to my ignorance, but by looking back I think deciding to go to India is one of the best decision in my life. (I travelled many places in India from Kanyakumari, the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent, to northern Himalayas, Ganges etc. There is a quote, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”
by St Augustine. I think that is right.)
In 2006, after a very nice faraway to my friends in India, and stopping over at my good friend in Greece, I moved to the US, but this time, to the West Coast to work for my second postdoc at Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. It is a world-famous theoretical physics institute where the director at that time was Noble prize laureate Prof. David Gross. I was again fortunate to work with the late Prof. Joe Polchinski, an extremely famous string theorist who found 'D-brane' and wrote a famous Joe's big book of string theory. We together worked on a toy model of holography (so-called I(izuka)-P(olchinski) model) and investigated the quantum nature of black holes through our models.
In 2009, I moved to CERN, a very famous international research center on the France–Switzerland border, to work as a fellow (Non-member-state (since Japan is not a member state for CERN) fellowship and in addition, I also obtained a special COFUND fellowship very fortunately). In addition, while I was there, a world-famous particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) found Higgs particles. Then in 2012, I moved to Yukawa Institute, and in 2013, to RIKEN, and after 2014, I was in Osaka about 10 years and I am now mainly in Taiwan.
In total, I spent more than 13 years in foreign countries (4 years in the US for PhD, 3 years in India, 3 years in the US, and 3 years in Europe and now in Taiwan). Consequently, regarding the way I do physics is, I feel that I am more close to foreign researchers than typical Japanese researchers.
After I joined Osaka, I was again fortunate to have many talented young graduate students. To name just a few, Kotaro Tamaoka was one of my first grad students at Osaka. He is talented and passionate about physics. He was very successful in his career and is now a faculty (an assistant professor) at Nihon University. I had another extremely talented grad student, Takanori Anegawa. He is now a tenured faculty (an assistant professor) at Yonago College. Other than these, I also had many other young and talented students. In addition, currently I have postdocs, Dr. Sunil Kumar Sake from TIFR (Sandip's ex-student) and Dr. Nicolo Zenoni from Italy and with these very talented young collaborators, we are working hard to understand and unravel the mysteries of gravity, space-time, and quantum black holes. So if you are interested in the mystery of black holes and spacetime, join us! We need collaborators.
My students/postdocs
My past PhD students/過去に研究指導してきた大学院生
Dr. Takanori Anegawa/姉川 尊徳
Currently (as of 2024) an assistant professor at Yonago College/大阪大学で博士号習得後、米子工業高等専門学校助教(教員)
2024/03 PhD/博士号:Thesis title/論文題目「Research on hyperfast growth in de Sitter complexity」
2021年4月より3年間、日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1), JSPS fellow for 3 years
2021/03 MA/修士号:Thesis title/論文題目「Information paradox and island prescription」
2019/03 BA/卒業研究指導 Thesis title/卒論題目:「Black Hole and Information Paradox」
Dr. Kotaro Tamaoka/玉岡 幸太郎
Currently (as of 2024) an assistant professor at Nihon University/大阪大学で博士号習得後、京都大学基礎物理学研究所素粒子論特定研究員を経て現在は日本大学文理学部物理学科助教(教員)
2019/03 PhD/博士号:Thesis title/論文題目「Emergence of Bulk Geometries from Conformal Field Theory」
2016/03 MA/修士号:Thesis title/論文題目「Black Hole Entropy and three dimensional gravity/3次元重力理論とブラックホールエントロピー」
Dr. Tsuyoshi Yokoya/横矢 毅
2019/03 PhD/博士号:Thesis title/論文題目「Analysis on entanglement entropy for two-dimensional lattice gauge theories with matter fields」
2016/03 MA/修士号:Thesis title/論文題目「Breaking of supersymmetry through Witten index/Witten indexによる超対称性の破れの評価」
My past graduate students for MA/過去に研究指導してきた大学院生
坂川 友亮
2022年3月 MA/修士号:論文題目「AdS/CFT 対応における線形重力方程式の量子情報的関係式による導出
(Derivation of linearized Einstein equation using quantum information theory in AdS/CFT)」
毛受 正裕
2021年3月 MA/修士号:論文題目「Recent works about Superconformal Index and Blackhole entropy」
2019年3月 BA/卒業研究指導 卒論題目:「ブラックホールエントロピーとBekenstein Bound (Black hole entropy and Bekenstein Bound)」
西川 航平
2021年3月 MA/修士号:論文題目「ブラックホールの形成の臨界点における問題」
BA/卒業研究指導 卒論題目:「Reissner-Nordström解の不安定性」
東出 和也
2018年3月 MA/修士号:論文題目「境界相関関数によるAdSブラックホールの解析」
Dr. Sunil Kumar Sake
From November 2022, at Osaka University and from August 2024, at Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University due to my move
Dr. Nicolo Zenoni
From January 2023, at Osaka University and from August 2024, at Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University due to my move
Principal Investigator/獲得資金:代表
1. MEXT KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas A Extreme Universe No.21H05184
学術変革領域研究(A)研究計画班 代表
Transformative Research Areas, Section (II)
●From 2021 - 2026
●2022年度から4年間、2名のポスドク(Sunil Kumar SakeさんとNicolo Zenoniさん)を私の下で雇用。
MEXT -KAKENHI- Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)
The Natural Laws of Extreme Universe -A New Paradigm for Spacetime and Matter from Quantum Information
2. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) No. 18K03619/科研費 基盤C 代表
3. Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)/科研費 若手B 代表
(課題名:Solving Condensed Matter, Nuclear and Gravity Problems via String and Gauge/Gravity Duality/
4. CERN Non-member state fellowship and cofund fellowship(2009 - 2012)
1. 科研費 基盤C(分担)(2017 to 2019 課題名:微分展開方を用いた新しいブラックホール解への解析的アプローチ)
2. 科研費 基盤C(分担)(2014 to 2016 課題名:非線形物理現象へのAdS/CFT双対性の応用)
1. sg-l 海外オブザーバー担当係(2015年、2016年)