The spring school on particles and fields was initiated by Prof. Chien-Er Lee of National Cheng-Kung University at Shi-Tou in 1986. The idea was motivated by planning of National Science Council in 1984-85 for future scientific developments, in which particles and fields were chosen as one of the five potential research directions in physics.

The purpose of the spring schools is mainly educational, delivering the basic knowledge and the most recent progress on particles and fields to graduate students. The lecturers of the first few schools were from local universities and Academia Sinica. With more and more junior PhDs joining the community, it is necessary to maintain young researchers' thrust. The schools, playing the crucial role of keeping the academic communication between Taiwan and the world, then turn internationlized gradually. Lecturers and participants were no longer limited to domestic people since 1990. Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics located at Pohang, Korea became one of the sponsers in 2007, under whose support many students in Asia began to attend the schools.

The spring school on particles and fields, as an annual activity of the community, has the longest tradition in Taiwan. Her role, her format, and her purpose are still evolving. A more leisurely format was tried as an Easter Formosa Summer School in 2004. The program committee with members representing different institutions and different subfields was formed in 2006. The mission for making scientific programs of the schools was then separated from the organization committee. The experimental subjects are more emphasized, viewing the growth of the local experimental community. More inputs and dedications from young generations are required for ensuring the success of the schools.

Previous School

23rd 2010 http://www.ncts.ncku.edu.tw/phys/pf/100331/index.php

Invited SpeakerLectures
Graciela B. GelminiParticle Dark Matter: Candidates and Searches
Boris KayserNeutrino Physics
Paul LangackerBeyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry, Grand Unification, and Extended Electroweak Symmetry
Chris QuiggPotential Discoveries at the Large Hadron Collider

22nd 2009 http://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/~sspf/ss2009/ss2009.htm

Invited SpeakerLectures
Prof. Miguel Mostafa(Colorado State U, USA)Cosmic Ray Observatories
Prof. Sunil Mukhi(TIFR, India)A Practical Guide to String Theory
Prof. Ulrich Sperhake(Caltech, USA)Gravitational Waves
Prof. We-Fu Chang(NTHU)The shadow of a hidden U(1) sector at LHC
Prof. Cheng-Wei Chiang(NCU)Introduction to Z' physics
Prof. Xiao-Gang He(NTU)Seesaw Mechanism at LHC

21st 2008 http://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/~sspf/2008/

Invited SpeakerLectures
Prof. David Mateos(UCSB)AdS/CFT
Prof. Joe Incandela(UCSB)LHC physics
Prof. Paolo Gondolo(Utah)Dark Matter Physics-Astrophysical Aspects
Prof. Manuet Drees (Bonn Univ.)Dark Matter Physics and Its Relation to LHC

20th 2007 http://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/~sspf/2007/

Invited SpeakerLectures
Andre de GouveaNeutrino Physics
Gary ShiuString Phenomenology
Xerxes TataSupersymmetry
Luca AmendolaCosmology

19th 2006 http://www.phys.cycu.edu.tw/~pfss19

Invited SpeakerLectures
Prof. Iain StewardEffective Field Theories
Prof. Csaba CsakiExtra Dimension physics
Prof. H.C. Paul LeeEvolution from the Point of view of entropy and SSB
Prof. Kingman CheungCollider Phenomenology

18th 2004 http://charm.phys.nthu.edu.tw/~hep/spring-school-2004/

Invited SpeakerLectures
Prof. Robert Brandenberger,Inflationary Cosmology and the Theory of Cosmological Perturbations
Prof. Goran Senjanovic,particle phenomenology
Prof. Michael GutperleString theory
Prof. Sou-Cheng ZhangCM field theory

17th 2003 http://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw/~hepth/

Invited SpeakerLectures
Prof. Chong-Sun ChuRecent Advances in String Theory
Prof. Artur EkertQuantum Information and Quantum Computation
Prof. Grigory VolovikCondensed Matter Physics and its parallels with Particle Physics and Cosmology

16th 2002 http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/bulletin/sps2002/

Invited SpeakerLectures
Prof. H. MurayamaPhysics of Extra Dimension
Prof. Shamit KachruSUSY and Neutrino Phyiscs
Prof. John NgNew Perspectives in String Compactification

15th 2001 http://www.phy.ccu.edu.tw/workshop/

Invited SpeakerLectures
Prof. Daniel BoyanovskyNon-equilibrium field theory from the big bang to heavy ion collisions
Prof. Hector de VegaOut of equilibrium field theory in Cosmology and Dense quark-gluon matter
Prof. P.M. HoIntroduction to Noncommutative Geometry
Prof. Berndt MuellerQuark-gluon Plasma
Prof. Peter SuranyiConfinement, monoples and vortices in pure gauge and in Higgs theories, and Symmetry breaking

14th 2000

Invited Speaker
Prof. Wolfenstein
Prof. Y.S. Wu

13rd 1999

Invited Speaker
Prof. Tony Zee
Prof. Howard Georgi

12nd 1998

Invited Speaker
Prof. M. E. Peskin
Prof. A. Manohar
Prof. L. Trentadue

11st 1997

Invited Speaker
Prof. J. Zinn-Justin
Prof. J. Donoghue
Prof. P. Lepage.

10th 1996

Invited Speaker
Prof. X. G. Wen
Prof. A. Huebler

09th 1995

Invited Speaker
Prof. W. Marciano
Prof. I Bigi
Prof. J. Qiu.

08th 1994

Invited Speaker
Prof. O. Alvarez
Prof. R. Pisarski
Prof. Y. Kitazawa

07th 1993

Invited Speaker
Prof. Shiffman
Prof. Mirasky
Prof. Z.X. Zhang

06th 1992

Invited Speaker
Prof. A. Tonomura
Prof. A. Pitch
Prof. G.A. Schuler
Prof. Sens
Prof. Kawai
Prof. Horowitz
Prof, Chau

05th 1991

Invited Speaker
Prof. L.L. Chau
Prof. I. Ichinose
Prof. C. Lee


Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker

01st 1986

Invited Speaker