Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Seminar

Spring Semester 2010

每週二下午2:003:00 於清華大學 物理館620


日 期

講 員


講 題


2/23 Instructor   Introduction to this course  
3/9 李瑞光教授 清華大學光電所 Exotic Light in the classical and quantum worlds  
3/16 王立邦教授 清華大學物理系  The fine structure constant download
3/23 林育如博士 
National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Maryland Optically synthesized electric and magnetic fields for ultracold neutral atoms

3/30 郭萬銓教授 中山大學物理系 Polarization Switching and the Linear Current-dependent Gain Model in the VCSEL download
4/6 周祥順教授 海洋大學光電所 Dressed-atom multi-photon analysis for probe spectra of driven degenerate atomic systems download
4/13 鄭中緯博士 工研院南分院雷射應用科技中心 Micromachining with femtosecond laser pulses and its novel application  
4/20 陳慶緒教授 嘉義大學應用物理系 Laser geometric modes and their potential applications download
4/27 蔡錦俊教授  成功大學物理系 Spectroscopy of Cs Atoms download
鄭王曜博士 中研院原分所 Clock, optical frequency vernier and quantum control by comb laser download 
5/25 周哲仲教授 逢甲大學光電系 Optical heterodyne interferometer based on single acousto-optic frequency shifter  
楊尚達教授 清華大學光電所 Ultrashort optical pulse measurements download
陳春燕博士 中研院地球科學所 Development of laser ionization of secondary neutrals time-of-flight mass spectrometry for isotopic analysis of pre-solar grains download
6/15 賀清華教授
Department of Physics & Optical Science
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Exploring Leaky Modes in Photonic Bandgap Waveguides for High-Power Lasers  

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