NTHU High Energy Physics Seminar
NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club
Fall 2010
Jan 18 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Yen-Chu Chen (AS/FNAL) Title: Top quark properties - is there production asymmetry? (pdf) Time: 12:30pm |
Jan 11 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker
: Dr. Tie-Jiun Hou (NTHU) Title: Light Higgs boson in NMSSM [arXiv:1012.4490] Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Jan 5 (Wednesday) NCTS HEP Special Seminar Speaker
: Dr. Ci Zhuang (Institute of Theoretical Physics in Beijing and KITPC) Title: Charmless B meson decays Based on the Six-quark Effective Hamiltonian with Strong Phase (pdf) Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Jan 4 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker
: Dr. Kenji Ogawa (NCTU) Title: Review of "Lattice studies of QCD-like theories with many fermionic degrees of Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Dec 28 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Yang-Hwan Ahn (Academia Sinica) Title: Type III Seesaw Model with A4 Flavor Symmetry (Slide is not ready for the public) Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS
: Mr. Chi-Ming Chang (Harvard Univ.) Title: Higher spin gauge theory and AdS3/CFT2 correspondence (No slide for this talk) Time: 2:00pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Dec 21 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Sechul Oh (Academia Sinica) Title: Two recent exotic results from Fermilab and new light particles (pdf) Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Dec14 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Gaber Faisel (NCU) Title: B decays in SCET (pdf) Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Dec 7 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Kingman Cheung (NTHU/NCTS/Konkuk) Title: Review of proton size anomaly (1011.3519, 1011.5453,1011.5275,1011.4922) Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS
: Prof. Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) Title: Model Independent Analysis of the Top FB Asymmetry at the Tevatron (pdf) Time: 2:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Nov 30 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Keiko I. Nagao (NTHU) Title: Review of "Baryogenesis from Dark Sector, N. Haba, S. Matsumoto, [arXiv:1008.2487]." Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Nov 23 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Chian-Shu Chen (NCTS) Title: A_5 as the symmetry of four generation leptons (pdf) Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Nov 17 (Wednesday) NCTS HEP Special Seminar Speaker : Prof. Shigeki Matsumoto (IPMU) Title: Fate of False Vacuum Revisited (pdf) Time: 12:30pm Location: P512, 3rd General Building 5F, NCTS |
Nov 16 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Chia-Min Lin (NTHU) Title: Chaotic Inflation, Eternal Inflation, and Multiverse (No slide for this talk) Time: 12:30pm |
Nov 9 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Jae Sik Lee (NCTS) Title: A Geometric Approach to CP Violation (file1, file2) Time: 12:30pm |
Nov 2 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Eibun Senaha (NCTS) Title: Review of "CP violation beyond the MSSM: baryogenesis and electric dipole moments,
K. Blum, C. Delaunay, M. Losada, Y. Nir and S. Tulin, JHEP 05 (2010) 101" Time: 12:30pm |
Oct 26 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Laurent Lellouch (Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille) Title: News from the lattice (pdf) Time: 12:30pm |
Oct 19 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Tomohisa Takimi (NTU) Title: 'Non-commutative theory' in the M-theory (pdf) Time: 12:30pm |
Oct 12 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Chopin Soo (NCKU) Title: New formulation of Horava Gravity (pdf) Time: 12:30pm |
Oct 5 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Dong-Won Jung (NTHU) Title: Review of "On the inconsistency of
Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity theories,
K. Dienes and B. Thomas, PRD81, 065023 (2010)" Time: 12:30pm |
Sep 28 (Tuesday) No Journal Club (Teacher's Day) |
Sep 21 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Shoichi Kawamoto (NTNU) Title: Holographic Anyons in the ABJM theory (pdf) Time: 12:30pm |
Sep 14 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Jia-Rui Sun (NCU) Title: On Kerr-Newman/CFTs Dualities (ppt) Time: 12:30pm |