NTHU High Energy Physics Seminar
Energy Physics Journal Club
NTHU members: Cheung, Kingman (張敬民), Chang, We-Fu
(張維甫), Geng, Chao-Qiang (耿朝強), T.C. Yuan (阮自強)
Araki, Takeo (荒木威), Bamba, Kazuharu (馬場一晴), Dimitri Zhuridov
NCTS members: Kingman Cheung
(張敬民), Kazuyuki Furuuchi
(古內一之), Je-An Gu
(顧哲安), Chi-Jen Lin
Shih-Yuin Lin (林世昀), Kazutomu Shiokawa (塩川一登武), Qi-Shu Yan (晏啟樹), Yi Yang
Chih-Wei Wang (王志偉)
NCTS NORTH Taiwan String Group
(2006-2007) Hsinchu String Theory Seminar (2005-2006)
2007-2008 Seminar Schedule |
June 26 (Thursday) NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker
: Prof. Michael Ramsey-Musolf (U. Title: Baryogenesis and LHC Higgs
Phenomenology ( Location: Lecture Room A, 3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
June 26 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Prof. Wai-Yee Keung (UIC) Title: On Decays of Z' into Two Z Bosons and
the Landau-Yang Theorem ( Location: Room 620, |
June 25 (Wednesday) NCTS HEP
Journal Club Speaker
: Prof. Chung Kao ( Title: Discovering the Higgs Bosons of
Minimal Supersymmetry with Tau Leptons and a Bottom Quark ( Location: Room 512, 3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
June 25 (Wednesday) NCTS HEP
Journal Club Speaker
: Prof. C.P. Yuan (MSU) Title: Impact of new CTEQ PDF sets to LHC
Phenomenology ( Location: Room 512, 3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
June 17 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP
Journal Club Speaker : Dr.
Masafumi Kurachi
(YITP) Title: A Three Site
Higgsless Model ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
June 5 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Prof. Ting-Wai Chiu (NTU) Title: Topological structure of the QCD
vacuum ( Location: Room 620, |
June 3 (Tuesday)
Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Takayuki Hirayama (NTNU) Title: Negative modes
of Schwarzschild black hole in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
May 29 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Dr. T.Araki (NTHU) Title: Anomalies of discrete symmetries ( Location: Room 620, |
May 27 (Tuesday)
Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Dong-Won Jung (NCU) Title: Charged Higgs
Boson in Left-Right symmetric model ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
May 22 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Prof. K.C. Yang (CYCU) Title: S-wave Charmonium Spectroscopy as
Derived from the Pade Approximation ( Location: Room 620, |
May 20-21 (Tue. - Wed.) NCTS HEP Journal Club/Lectures Series Speaker : Dr. Pravabati Chingangbam (KIAS) May 20: Lecture 1 and 2:
Inflationary perturbations ( May 21: Lecture 3: From
inflation to CMB anisotropies ( Location: Room 512, 3rd
General Building 5F, NCTS |
May 16 (Friday) NCTS HEP Special Journal
Club Speaker : Dr. Dang Van Soa ( Title: Phenomenology
of the economical Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
May 15 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Dr. K. Bamba (NTHU) Title: Inflationary cosmology, late-time
cosmic acceleration in non-minimal Maxwell-F(R) gravity and the generation of
large-scale magnetic fields ( Location: Room 620, |
May 13 (Tuesday)
Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Dmitry Orlov (NCU) Title: Higher order curvature
corrections in gravity ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
May 8 (Thursday) NCTS HEP Special Journal
Club Speaker : Prof. Manu Paranjape ( Title: Field theoretic
description of the abelian and non-abelian Josephson effect: The role of
pseudo-Goldstone Bosons ( Location: Room 512, 3rd
General Building 5F, NCTS |
NCTS HEP Journal Club Speaker : Matthew Wingate ( Title: B Meson Physics on the Lattice ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
22 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP
Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Tetsuya Onogi (Yukawa Institute) Title: Sea quark content of the nucleon from
lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
17 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Dr.
Andrew Akeroyd (NCKU) Title: Higgs boson phenomenology in the Higgs
Triplet Model ( Location: Room 620, |
15 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP
Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Eiji Nakano (NTU) Title: Semi-superfluid non-Abelian vortex strings,
and their interactions ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
10 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Prof. C.H. Wang (NUU) Title: New Particles from B factories and Super B ( Location: Room 620, |
8 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP
Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Suen Hou (Academia
Sinica) Title: Di-boson production at hadron collider: The precision test that
defines discovery ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
31 ~ April 3 (The 21st Taiwan Spring School on Particles and
Fields) |
27 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Prof.
Cheng-Wei Chiang (NCU) Title: Top hypercharge model ( Location: Room 620, |
25 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP
Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Tomohisa Takimi (NCTU) Title: A non-perturbative analytic study of the
supersymmetric lattice model ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
20 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Prof.
Hsiang-nan Li (IOP, Academia Sinica) Title: Direct CP asymmetries in
soft-collinear effective theory ( Location: Room 620, |
20 (Thursday) Particle & Fields Special Seminar Speaker : Dr.
Chuan-Ren Chen (Michigan State Univ.) Title: Phenomenology of the littlest
Higgs model with T-parity ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
18 (Tuesday) NCTS HEP
Journal Club + Lecture Series Speaker : Dr. Okamura, Keisuke ( Title: Aspects of Integrability in AdS/CFT (1) Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
13 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Prof.
Chun-Khiang Chua (CYCU) Title: Rescattering effects in
charmless B_{u,d,s} to PP decays (2:00 ~ 3:00 PM) Location: Room 620, Physics Building, NTHU |
11 (Tuesday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Chi-Jen Lin
(NCTS/NCTU) Title: Walking on the lattice (12:30
~ 1:30 PM) Location: Lecture Room A, 3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
6 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Dr. Seokcheon Lee (NTU) Title: Distinguishing Modified
Gravity (MG) from Dark Energy (DE) (2:00 ~ 3:00 PM) Location: Room 620, Physics Building, NTHU |
4 (Tuesday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Dr. S.Y. Lin (NCTS) Title:
Disentanglement of Two Harmonic Oscillators in Relativistic Motion ( Location: Lecture Room A, 3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
21 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Dr. Kai-Feng Chen (NTU) Title: Measurements
with missing energy at B-factories ( Location: Room 620, |
19-21 NCTS HEP
Lecture Series Speaker : Dr.
Itou, Etsuko (YITP) Title: Lectures on exact renormalization group Feb. 19: Feb. 20: Feb. Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
16 (Wednesday) NCTU String
Seminar Speaker : Prof.
Chong-Sun Chu ( Title: Near BPS Wilson loop in AdS/CFT
correspondence ( Location: Room EF352, |
December 27 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Mr. Shih-Hung Chen (NTHU) Title: Two Time
Physics and Two Time Field Theory ( Location: Room 019, NTHU |
December 27 (Thursday) NCTS High Energy
Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Hsin-Chia Cheng (UC Davis) Title: Mass determination in events with missing
energy at the LHC ( Location: Open discussion
room, 5th floor, NCTS |
December 25 (Tuesday) NCTS High Energy Journal Club Speaker : Prof. C.P. Yuan ( Title: Phenomenology
of Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
December 24 (Monday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Jongping Hsu ( Title: A Modified
Lee-Yang's U(1) Gauge Field and the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe ( Location: Open discussion
room, 5th floor, NCTS |
December 21 (Friday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Xiao-Hong Wu (KIAS) Title: Antisymmetric
Tensor Unparticle Physics (10:30 ~ 12:30 AM) Location: Lecture Room A, 3rd General building 4F, NCTS |
December 20 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Dr. Guo-Chin Liu (Academia Sinica) Title: Detction of
Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect ( Location: Room 019, |
December 18 (Tuesday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Seiji Terashima (YITP) Title: Glueball Decay
in Holographic QCD ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
December 13 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Dr. Huitzu Tu (UC Irvine) Title: Measuring Neutrino Masses and Dark
Energy (2:00 ~ 3:00 PM) Location: Room 019, Physics Building, NTHU |
December 12 (Wednesday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Huitzu Tu (UC Irvine) Title: Detectability
of Multi-Unparticle Production from Strongly-Coupled Conformal Field Theories (10:30 ~
11:30 AM) Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
December 7 (Friday) NCTS String Seminar Speaker : Dr. Tomohisa Takimi (RIKEN) Title: Lattice
formulation of Topological Field Theory ( Location: Lecture Room A, 3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
December 6 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Dr. Yukinori Nagatani (Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics, OIQP) Title: Exterior Structures of Black Holes and
Another History of the Universe ( Location: Room 019, NTHU |
December 4 (Tuesday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Xiao-Gang He (NTU) Title: Thermal
Unparticles: A New Form of Energy Density in the Universe ( Location: Lecture Room A, 3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
29 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Prof. Maurizio Piai (Department of Physics , Title: Dynamical EWSB from AdS/TC ( Location: Room 019, NTHU |
27 (Tuesday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Hsien-chung Kao (NTNU) Title: Perturbative
Calculation of Quasinormal Modes of Schwarzschild Black Holes ( Location: Lecture Room A,
3rd General Building 4F, NCTS |
22 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Prof. Chia-Hung Chang (NTNU) Title: Making the most and the best of
unparticle---model building and others ( Location: Room 207, NTHU |
22 (Thursday) Special Seminar at NTHU Speaker
: Dr. Kazuharu Bamba ( Title: Cosmological Acceleration in the
Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Theory with Dilaton ( Location: Room 207, NTHU |
21 (Wednesday) Special Seminar at NTHU Speaker
: Dr. Kazuharu Bamba ( Title: Large-scale magnetic fields in
inflationary cosmology ( Location: Room 207, NTHU |
20 (Tuesday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Dr. Chun-Hsien Wu (Academia Sinica) Title: Constraints on the Duration of
Inflationary Expansion from Quantum Stress Tensor Fluctuations ( Location: Lecture Room A, NCTS |
16 (Friday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Speaker : Prof. Bo-Qiang Ma ( Title: Unification of Quarks and Leptons ( Location: Lecture Room A, NCTS |
15 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker
: Dr. Kazuharu Bamba ( Title: Baryon asymmetry from hypermagnetic helicity
in inflationary cosmology ( Location: Room 019, NTHU |
8 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Prof. Wei-Shu Hou (NTU) Title: Observation of Anomalous e+e- ->
Upsilon(nS)h+h- ( Location: Room 019, NTHU |
AND NEW PHYSICS ( Location: Lecture Room A,
1 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Dr.
Yu-Kuo Hsiao (Academia Sinica) Title: Three-body charmful baryonic B decays (2:00 ~ 3:00 PM) Location: Room 019, NTHU |
30 (Tuesday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club Title: AdS/QCD and
AdS/Technicolor ( Location: Lecture Room A,
October 25 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : Prof. Hai-Yang Cheng (Academia Sinica) Title: Proton Spin Puzzle : 20 years later (2:00 ~ 3:00 PM) Location: Room 019, NTHU |
18 (Thursday) NTHU Particle & Field Seminar Speaker : 林德鴻 教授 (國立中山大學) Title: 愛因斯坦對科學的貢獻和對研究生的啟發(2:00 ~ 3:00 PM) pdf Location: Room 019, NTHU |
October 16 (Tuesday) NCTS High Energy Physics Journal Club
Location: Lecture Room A,
NCTS (12:15-13:15 PM) |
October 11 (Thursday) NTHU
Particle & Field Seminar
Location: Room 019, NTHU,
(2:00 ~ 3:00 PM) |
October 4 (Thursday) NTHU
Particle & Field Seminar
Location: Room 019, NTHU |
September 20 (Thursday) NTHU
Particle & Field Seminar
Location: Room 019, NTHU |
September 14 (Friday) NTHU
Particle & Field Seminar Title: From AdS/CFT
to Cosmology (11:00 ~ 12:00 AM) pdf Location: Room 620, NTHU |
September 13 (Thursday) NTHU
Particle & Field Seminar Title: 1.
Introduction to Dark Matter (2:00 ~ 3:00 PM) pdf 2.
Determining the WIMP Mass from Direct Dark Matter Detection Data (3:00 ~ 4:00
PM) pdf Location: Room 620, NTHU |